fedpost (third-person singular simple present fedposts, present participle fedposting, simple past and past participle fedposted)
(Internet slang, intransitive) To post violent threats on the Internet, ostensibly as an everyday citizen, but actually working as an undercover federal agent as a form of entrapment. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fedpost
Someone pointed out to me that the name of the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (James Alefantis) is quite similar to the French for "I love children" (j'aime les enfants). As far as I know, James Alefantis is his birth name and it's just a coincidence, but still funny.
Yeah I saw a thread with a picture of him and the Rothschild family. I doubt Darryl wants to go any deeper but actually it goes down a lot farther. Or maybe he did…
I look at those Kim Noble paintings and all I can feel is sorrow at the pain and horror that she's gone through, and I understand her processing it by getting it out onto canvas.
Then to think: what kind of sick fuck coos over her art? It's not art. Those are crime scene photos.
Not to constantly hijack your posts with religious takes, but have you heard of the podcast "The Lord of Spirits." I need to pick it up again after I took a break, but a couple of Orthodox priests go into the Christian world of Angels and Demons... and while this world of the elites doesn't make sense to us now and these images look horrible beyond comprehension... what I've learned listening to them and hearing about the world before Christendom... this nightmare fuel isn't actually too foreign and I was immediately reminded on one of their episodes about "the old gods." If we don't stop these elites, this distancing from the good... maybe this will be our whole world's fate where paganism and the fallen angels find their way back into our cities.
I fear for my children. Apologies for being unable to articulate this well.
“Distancing from the good” is a nice measured way of putting it. Thanks.
What’s astonishing to me in these times is the lack of written Apologetics we have to fall back on to ward off attacks of degeneracy.
Even something obvious like “sex with Children is bad” Where’s the apologetics for WHY that’s a bad thing? Our response? Well it’s self evident, It’s obvious that’s it’s bad. We’ve always done it that way. It’s in the Bible.
Can you see how weak those are as defenses and
leaves us wide open to the acceptance of defilement and degeneracy. I can see Trojan Horse of “Children’s Rights” being used to usher in greater freedom for people to sexually misuse children. After all “You’re not against Chilren’s Rights” are you?
Where’s the historical counter arguments to defend attacks on Conventional Wisdom?? We forgot to produce some??? No writer ever thought to do that?? Apart from C.S Lewis with Christianity??
So im hoping that the good that will come out of this period we find ourselves in is that a robust and undefeatable set of written Pro morality Apologetics will emerge from our greatest current minds.
Thanks for your thoughtful response. Most morality has a pragmatic value. Even Jesus didn’t expect blind faith he went to pains to explain why. Jesus also expected us to expound on his foundations.
We don’t need to get into “can you prove God Exists” arguments. My answer is no I cannot “but you still believe in him?” Yes I do. end of debate.
But you can demonstrate the pragmatic benefits of following a certain standard of moral behavior (or not) Maybe some beliefs ARE outdated. The exercise would be to prove the folly of NOT following traditional moral code using examples.
The revolutionaries are still framing all their arguments in moral terms right? They have not abandoned the concept of morality they merely frame their proposition as BEING good, just, fair etc (all traditionally moral positions).
So they do have constraints they have to work within because humans conform to a desire for Natural Law (morality, golden rule etc). It’s an immutable characteristic of the human condition.
They obviously know this.
Even atheists debate within the framework of morality. Their argument is that always that good can be achieved without the need to have faith in God never that morality is undesirable.
Whenever I raise this I’m hoping someone will point me to a huge body of apologetics that I’m not aware of lol. I suspect case law, legislation and other legal arguments will be a goldmine for material.
Dan I’ve only just learned of this post and when I saw your comment I knew I learned about that podcast from somewhere and it’s probably because I had looked into the subject of this post before. I’ve never been able to listen to the podcast and absorb what they’re talking about (wandering brain) but I know I need to. I’ve become a bit closer to church because of the subject matter disgust and I’ve had a interest in orthodoxy because of it. I’m going to go play an episode.
I so badly want the evil in this world to expire. I don’t know how or why it exists. I want to help these children that are stuck and born into these situations. Jesus Christ. 😭
Hang in there man, find a good Orthodox/Eastern Catholic Church and go to Vespers and Liturgy. It's like our only respite right now. I'm struggling with forgiveness and being at peace while I watch the world succumb to these beasts and I'm struggling. Prayers for you and I both.
I highly recommend their episode on How to Read the Bible as well.
The way that Christ sought to combat control of earthly institutions until the endgame was complete is through absolute decentralization of the God’s presence in the world- not dwelling in a Tabernacle, or a Temple, or embodied in the power structure of a Nation State, or even a Religious hierarchy, but inside the inner most being of each believer. Read carefully, each of us is also empowered with the dominion over these demons, fallen angels, nephalem, to rebuke and reject them and commit them to whatever fate God has in store for them.
Point being, it is the heart of the Christian which carries the spirit of God into our worldly institutions- not to impose religious adherence, but to influence them through the millions of those devoted, connected, and in union with Him.
What blows my mind, it’s not that there are artist out there making this kind of art. What blows my mind is that there is a market for this stuff and that as a society we accept it being displayed.
I saw a greentext meme reader on twitter recently post how he's a starving artist that wishes he could make great conservative art... but people want Furry sex art and pay stupid amounts of money for it...
Yeah I was going to say something similar: I’m sure there’s plenty of dark shit going on. What I can’t figure out is why in the world people would want to have artwork depicting it in their home! Some of that stuff is just so incredibly dark. Like to the point of being otherworldly dark even. Absolutely baffled as to why someone would put that on their wall.
I like disturbing art. Saturn Devours His Young hangs in my bathroom, keeps guests from dawdling. But this crosses the line into genuinely disgusting, and exploitative in Kim's case. Yes it is still art, but ultimately tasteless. Which raises the question of why the rich, that are supposed to have better taste than us plebs, choose to display it.
I have a philosophy that it is OK for art to challenge you.
A George Carlin bit that hits you right in the middle class, or a song lyric that derides a value you hold close, or even a painting of a giant tin of soup where banality itself is shown to be intriguing.
If some of these were displayed in the right context, like a equivalent of a Holocaust museum, it could really demonstrate the horrors of sexual abuse, human trafficking etc. in a manner that is beyond what can be told in the likes of a court testimony.
A rich man owning them and displaying them is really off putting, and shows at very least the tone deafness and utter lack of taste of this class of society.
A big thanks to DC, until now I had been ignorant of the details of pizza-gate, and now I am on my way to being a conspiracy theorist nut!
Man. How is this stuff real. I still remember when I first heard Alex jones and thought he sounded like a lunatic talking about powerful pedophiles and such. I can’t say I listen to him to know much about him and what he says these days, but the fact that he was even potentially a little right about pedophilia being practiced within our most elite ranks shakes some of my most foundational assumptions about human kind and my understanding of it (I know what is presented is not proof HERE, but with all this evidence there is too much smoke to believe that it wasn’t happening in some of these dark rooms, especially with Epstein).
I have not lived religious life, but when exposed to this I feel only religion has something useful to say. When presented with this only the concept of a devil and demons seems adequate.
It’s the same feeling I had with each of these podcasts, especially the second one. It’s the same feeling I had when being exposed to the darkest parts of the holocaust. There is no floor.
The Scotsman, Neil Oliver on GBNews has said of late, he’s coming to calling people accused of being “conspiracy theorists” as Those Who Saw It Coming.
The past 5-6 years I’ve been increasingly shock but that which I considered crazy as actually being true.
I’d love a post like this for each of the three Epstein podcasts, just with screen grabs of every source you talk about, in the order you mention them; books, articles, social media posts, whatever. So skeptics can follow along while listening and see that you’re not just inventing stuff. Like a “sources cited” page.
I appreciate that you went there, many are in denial about these things. I spent almost 30 years dealing with the dark side of humanity, the cases with children broke me. I’m retired and well now. Protect your children folks.
Art history major here. Just gonna say that there's a distinct line between transgressive imagery that's ultimately camp and somewhat ironic like death metal album art and this...I spend a lot of time looking at fairly grotesque and gory imagery for both study and fun and this stuff horrified me to my core. It's how utterly lacking in irony it is, it'd be funny to mock as square if it wasn't so fucked
I'm very grateful a certain sculpture of a certain dogwoman nursing was not included. That one is nightmarish, and it's worse because you can't even define why it's so unsettling.
This made me sick to my stomach! I’m a pretty simple man, a carpenter to be exact. I don’t follow some of these images. And, I’m grateful for that. How in the world any of these people got to the position they are currently in baffles me. This is pure evil. Like your podcast says in the opening dialogue. ‘ evil does exist’…
But as he stood watching Carthage burn, Scipio reflected on the fate of this once great power. Overcome with emotion, he cried. His friend and mentor Polybius approached and asked why Scipio was crying.
"A glorious moment, Polybiius; but I have a dread foreboding that some day the same doom will be pronounced on my own country." Scipio then quoted a line from Homer: "A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish, And Priam and his people shall be slain."a
If Scipio Africanus could take a cryo-nap and wake up in the 3rd century A.D. around the time of Elagabalus and the Gordians would he not echo my sentiments regarding his own society?
On a more rhetorical note, would it be fedposty to wish for an American Diocletian?
Personally I want an American Maximinius Thrax, but Diocletian was pretty based. Everyone likes to say Trump is Caesar, but he's actually Marius. The worst is yet to come. Also, Elagabalus was worse than Nero imo.
Ok, that was disgusting. Wish I had read this before listening to the pod. While your descriptions were horrific, the actual pictures are so much worse. The creators are sadly disturbed but are the fans insane or demonic? The popularity of some of them is not a great reflection on our culture.
I don't want the purveyors and fans of this 'art' near kids or animals or next door or on the same street. Most of us want to be tolerant, understanding and MYOB, but this trash is a slide too far down the slippery slope. As always, thanks for sharing. . .
Everyone repeat after me: I will not fedpost. I will not fedpost. I will not fedpost...
You usually keep me grounded Mr. Cooper, but right now I’m telling Alex Jones “I wish I could quit you…”
That wasn't just disturbing, I feel corrupted by what I just saw. I got through about half of it and couldn't look at anymore.
It could also inspire you to know that actual evil is real, and that the good we do humiliates or motivates others to do less evil and more good.
Yeah, me too. What type of person could hang this in their house?
seems redundant Darryl...if your government is not monitoring you, my government is doing it for them... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Commission_of_Inquiry_into_Certain_Activities_of_the_RCMP
fed post or lamp post? something needs to swing from one of those...
Darryl you're based, but!
I MIGHT fed post!!
I’m too stupid. What does fedpost mean?
fed + -post
fedpost (third-person singular simple present fedposts, present participle fedposting, simple past and past participle fedposted)
(Internet slang, intransitive) To post violent threats on the Internet, ostensibly as an everyday citizen, but actually working as an undercover federal agent as a form of entrapment. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fedpost
Thank you!
Someone pointed out to me that the name of the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (James Alefantis) is quite similar to the French for "I love children" (j'aime les enfants). As far as I know, James Alefantis is his birth name and it's just a coincidence, but still funny.
Many such names in these mainstream stories.
Maybe they’re all just one big troll.
I’m not sure which is worse that we have vicious sadists in power or juvenile giggling golems.
Nothing saying they can't be both.
Did you look into the fact that James alafantis is not really his name and he is actually a cousin or relation of the Rothschilds.
Yeah I saw a thread with a picture of him and the Rothschild family. I doubt Darryl wants to go any deeper but actually it goes down a lot farther. Or maybe he did…
I’m 100% sure Darryl knows of this
I look at those Kim Noble paintings and all I can feel is sorrow at the pain and horror that she's gone through, and I understand her processing it by getting it out onto canvas.
Then to think: what kind of sick fuck coos over her art? It's not art. Those are crime scene photos.
The brain flips I went through.. a combination of deep sadness and empathy combined with disgust and contempt
I had the exact same feelings.
Ugh. I want to vomit.
Not to constantly hijack your posts with religious takes, but have you heard of the podcast "The Lord of Spirits." I need to pick it up again after I took a break, but a couple of Orthodox priests go into the Christian world of Angels and Demons... and while this world of the elites doesn't make sense to us now and these images look horrible beyond comprehension... what I've learned listening to them and hearing about the world before Christendom... this nightmare fuel isn't actually too foreign and I was immediately reminded on one of their episodes about "the old gods." If we don't stop these elites, this distancing from the good... maybe this will be our whole world's fate where paganism and the fallen angels find their way back into our cities.
I fear for my children. Apologies for being unable to articulate this well.
“Distancing from the good” is a nice measured way of putting it. Thanks.
What’s astonishing to me in these times is the lack of written Apologetics we have to fall back on to ward off attacks of degeneracy.
Even something obvious like “sex with Children is bad” Where’s the apologetics for WHY that’s a bad thing? Our response? Well it’s self evident, It’s obvious that’s it’s bad. We’ve always done it that way. It’s in the Bible.
Can you see how weak those are as defenses and
leaves us wide open to the acceptance of defilement and degeneracy. I can see Trojan Horse of “Children’s Rights” being used to usher in greater freedom for people to sexually misuse children. After all “You’re not against Chilren’s Rights” are you?
Where’s the historical counter arguments to defend attacks on Conventional Wisdom?? We forgot to produce some??? No writer ever thought to do that?? Apart from C.S Lewis with Christianity??
So im hoping that the good that will come out of this period we find ourselves in is that a robust and undefeatable set of written Pro morality Apologetics will emerge from our greatest current minds.
Thanks for your thoughtful response. Most morality has a pragmatic value. Even Jesus didn’t expect blind faith he went to pains to explain why. Jesus also expected us to expound on his foundations.
We don’t need to get into “can you prove God Exists” arguments. My answer is no I cannot “but you still believe in him?” Yes I do. end of debate.
But you can demonstrate the pragmatic benefits of following a certain standard of moral behavior (or not) Maybe some beliefs ARE outdated. The exercise would be to prove the folly of NOT following traditional moral code using examples.
The revolutionaries are still framing all their arguments in moral terms right? They have not abandoned the concept of morality they merely frame their proposition as BEING good, just, fair etc (all traditionally moral positions).
So they do have constraints they have to work within because humans conform to a desire for Natural Law (morality, golden rule etc). It’s an immutable characteristic of the human condition.
They obviously know this.
Even atheists debate within the framework of morality. Their argument is that always that good can be achieved without the need to have faith in God never that morality is undesirable.
Whenever I raise this I’m hoping someone will point me to a huge body of apologetics that I’m not aware of lol. I suspect case law, legislation and other legal arguments will be a goldmine for material.
Dan I’ve only just learned of this post and when I saw your comment I knew I learned about that podcast from somewhere and it’s probably because I had looked into the subject of this post before. I’ve never been able to listen to the podcast and absorb what they’re talking about (wandering brain) but I know I need to. I’ve become a bit closer to church because of the subject matter disgust and I’ve had a interest in orthodoxy because of it. I’m going to go play an episode.
I so badly want the evil in this world to expire. I don’t know how or why it exists. I want to help these children that are stuck and born into these situations. Jesus Christ. 😭
Hang in there man, find a good Orthodox/Eastern Catholic Church and go to Vespers and Liturgy. It's like our only respite right now. I'm struggling with forgiveness and being at peace while I watch the world succumb to these beasts and I'm struggling. Prayers for you and I both.
I highly recommend their episode on How to Read the Bible as well.
It is an inversion - we are God’s Idols.
The way that Christ sought to combat control of earthly institutions until the endgame was complete is through absolute decentralization of the God’s presence in the world- not dwelling in a Tabernacle, or a Temple, or embodied in the power structure of a Nation State, or even a Religious hierarchy, but inside the inner most being of each believer. Read carefully, each of us is also empowered with the dominion over these demons, fallen angels, nephalem, to rebuke and reject them and commit them to whatever fate God has in store for them.
Point being, it is the heart of the Christian which carries the spirit of God into our worldly institutions- not to impose religious adherence, but to influence them through the millions of those devoted, connected, and in union with Him.
Check this out, Blaine Elderedge does a good job explaining this: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0iInwVjYn8chTb4BJNaT6z?si=eepCxHO3QDKbThp0ytcwDw
What blows my mind, it’s not that there are artist out there making this kind of art. What blows my mind is that there is a market for this stuff and that as a society we accept it being displayed.
I saw a greentext meme reader on twitter recently post how he's a starving artist that wishes he could make great conservative art... but people want Furry sex art and pay stupid amounts of money for it...
Yeah I was going to say something similar: I’m sure there’s plenty of dark shit going on. What I can’t figure out is why in the world people would want to have artwork depicting it in their home! Some of that stuff is just so incredibly dark. Like to the point of being otherworldly dark even. Absolutely baffled as to why someone would put that on their wall.
I like disturbing art. Saturn Devours His Young hangs in my bathroom, keeps guests from dawdling. But this crosses the line into genuinely disgusting, and exploitative in Kim's case. Yes it is still art, but ultimately tasteless. Which raises the question of why the rich, that are supposed to have better taste than us plebs, choose to display it.
I have a philosophy that it is OK for art to challenge you.
A George Carlin bit that hits you right in the middle class, or a song lyric that derides a value you hold close, or even a painting of a giant tin of soup where banality itself is shown to be intriguing.
If some of these were displayed in the right context, like a equivalent of a Holocaust museum, it could really demonstrate the horrors of sexual abuse, human trafficking etc. in a manner that is beyond what can be told in the likes of a court testimony.
A rich man owning them and displaying them is really off putting, and shows at very least the tone deafness and utter lack of taste of this class of society.
A big thanks to DC, until now I had been ignorant of the details of pizza-gate, and now I am on my way to being a conspiracy theorist nut!
Ok, virtue-mer.
All of it is disturbing to me.
Man. How is this stuff real. I still remember when I first heard Alex jones and thought he sounded like a lunatic talking about powerful pedophiles and such. I can’t say I listen to him to know much about him and what he says these days, but the fact that he was even potentially a little right about pedophilia being practiced within our most elite ranks shakes some of my most foundational assumptions about human kind and my understanding of it (I know what is presented is not proof HERE, but with all this evidence there is too much smoke to believe that it wasn’t happening in some of these dark rooms, especially with Epstein).
I have not lived religious life, but when exposed to this I feel only religion has something useful to say. When presented with this only the concept of a devil and demons seems adequate.
It’s the same feeling I had with each of these podcasts, especially the second one. It’s the same feeling I had when being exposed to the darkest parts of the holocaust. There is no floor.
The Scotsman, Neil Oliver on GBNews has said of late, he’s coming to calling people accused of being “conspiracy theorists” as Those Who Saw It Coming.
The past 5-6 years I’ve been increasingly shock but that which I considered crazy as actually being true.
Sadly and surprisingly Alex jones is right about a lot of things.
Even about the homosexual amphibians.
I’d love a post like this for each of the three Epstein podcasts, just with screen grabs of every source you talk about, in the order you mention them; books, articles, social media posts, whatever. So skeptics can follow along while listening and see that you’re not just inventing stuff. Like a “sources cited” page.
Good point. Yes I can think of many people I could show this article to who might be skeptical without “sources cited” links as you say.
I appreciate that you went there, many are in denial about these things. I spent almost 30 years dealing with the dark side of humanity, the cases with children broke me. I’m retired and well now. Protect your children folks.
Art history major here. Just gonna say that there's a distinct line between transgressive imagery that's ultimately camp and somewhat ironic like death metal album art and this...I spend a lot of time looking at fairly grotesque and gory imagery for both study and fun and this stuff horrified me to my core. It's how utterly lacking in irony it is, it'd be funny to mock as square if it wasn't so fucked
Please God steer our artists and musicians away from the corrupt university system and once ensnared help them find their way back to their gift.
I'm very grateful a certain sculpture of a certain dogwoman nursing was not included. That one is nightmarish, and it's worse because you can't even define why it's so unsettling.
This made me sick to my stomach! I’m a pretty simple man, a carpenter to be exact. I don’t follow some of these images. And, I’m grateful for that. How in the world any of these people got to the position they are currently in baffles me. This is pure evil. Like your podcast says in the opening dialogue. ‘ evil does exist’…
Evil does exist. Martys are made and will continue to be made in the struggle with evil.
I will not fedpost, but it is clear to me that like 3rd century B.C. Carthage, American civilization has run its course.
But as he stood watching Carthage burn, Scipio reflected on the fate of this once great power. Overcome with emotion, he cried. His friend and mentor Polybius approached and asked why Scipio was crying.
"A glorious moment, Polybiius; but I have a dread foreboding that some day the same doom will be pronounced on my own country." Scipio then quoted a line from Homer: "A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish, And Priam and his people shall be slain."a
If Scipio Africanus could take a cryo-nap and wake up in the 3rd century A.D. around the time of Elagabalus and the Gordians would he not echo my sentiments regarding his own society?
On a more rhetorical note, would it be fedposty to wish for an American Diocletian?
Personally I want an American Maximinius Thrax, but Diocletian was pretty based. Everyone likes to say Trump is Caesar, but he's actually Marius. The worst is yet to come. Also, Elagabalus was worse than Nero imo.
Yep. Perfectly normal. Nothing to see here at all.
Shut it down!
Ok, that was disgusting. Wish I had read this before listening to the pod. While your descriptions were horrific, the actual pictures are so much worse. The creators are sadly disturbed but are the fans insane or demonic? The popularity of some of them is not a great reflection on our culture.
I don't want the purveyors and fans of this 'art' near kids or animals or next door or on the same street. Most of us want to be tolerant, understanding and MYOB, but this trash is a slide too far down the slippery slope. As always, thanks for sharing. . .
Makes you wonder why more leaks don't happen, I mean what can they really do to you.
- Seth Rich
Well this makes bill Clinton in a dress look meek