Can’t wait for you to talk to Rogan. What a great year so far.

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Damn son, Joe Rogan? I guess Fascism really is back

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Why are you such a little faaygala?

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I'm so stoked for this,has been long overdue. Thought maybe he was avoiding you man!

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rogan has entered the fray. carroll-cooper back to back is a statement of intent.

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I’m glad you’re getting your due for all the hard work. And can’t wait to see what large swath of society you piss off. Gonna be great.

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they haven’t even changed their soiled underwear from the ian carroll episode yet.

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DC on Rogan?!? Heck yeah. Long overdue.

Stoked for that. Safe travels. God bless you and your family.

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Finally the DC history podcaster who refused to cuck post-Trump is going on Rogan.

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I’d honestly love it if dan went back on the JRE as well. Can’t a man love both of the best history podcasters out there?

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I still listen to Hardcore History. But I have no interest in anything approaching a contemporary topic. 2016 caused Dan to shy away from any non-mainstream view. He even had a pre-Trump Common Sense episode that more or less gave the Mearsheimer view of NATO, Russia, and Putin. But he's been a standard Dem since Trump.

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Who’s Dan?

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Dan Carlin. A history podcaster that even Darryl would consider the GOAT, despite the one sided beef

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You can’t be serious

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That was sarcasm.

While I confess to have been a Carlin fanboy at some point, I'll take Darryl any day over Dan.

That was not sarcasm.

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I hope we see a join DC + DC episode on Rogan... At least someday once Dan has calmed down a little.

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Dan has had no interest in talking about anything remotely controversial since 2016. He'd never give the Hitler/Genghis Khan analogy today that he did at the beginning of Wrath of the Khans.

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I love Rogan man but my suggestion is to just do your thing and GO for three hours. All we want out of him are little quips he can turn into soundbites. “Hitler was the good guy?” “Auschwitz had a swimming pool? Jamie pull that up”

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After the fifth fact check comes back ironclad I hope Jamie gives up.

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A Rogan appearance is well deserved, Darryl. Congratulations. I have been recommending your podcast to friends since the F&L days. Can't lie though, my ass-cheeks will probably be clenched for three hours while I wait for you to say something that's gonna send your critics into hysterics.

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Don't forget to promote yourself even just a little!

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That Joe Rogan guy should get a decent bump from you going on his pod.

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Dude, did I not tell you that you were MORE likely to get on JRE after the whole Churchill kerfuffle?

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This is epic and going to blow so many minds. I'm glad Joe doesn't give a damn and will host you. The actual woke right and all the shitlibs will be on full damage control after the episode goes live.

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Whoa, JRE? That’s amazing.

Did Dave Smith get you two in contact?

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Probably Jocko, I’d guess.

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JRE.. about time! LFG

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Darryl on JRE???? Gonna be one for the ages

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If you ever do some sort of Make-A-Wish type appearance, you should hit up the boys at War Mode. You'd have a lot to talk about.

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Austin--cool. I'd like to buy you a beer. I won't be too offended, though, if you decide you would rather hang with Joe Rogan than me.

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