If Epstein was providing money laundering and blackmail service to intelligence agencies their need for those services didn't go away when he did. So, who is today's Epstein? It's sobering to think that there are high level government employees, likely many elected in congress (especially in the intelligence oversight committees) and probably a few rank and file agents in the three letter agencies who know and are complicit with (and participate in?) the systematic rape and trafficking of our children and it is literally happening today. It hurts to think about it.
Your tax dollars at work! It'd be naive to think Epstein was the only guy doing the job. And that's why I don't think they actually killed him, the other ones would get to thinking. One of the best avatars I've ever seen was Jose Epsteino. Picture was Epstein with a Zapata stache and a Turd Ferguson sombrero.
Going to be hard now that you got smeared to hell and back after your Tucker and Dave Smith interviews. Hopefully some brave filmmaker will help make multiple documentary series with you and you can release it on rumble. Love your work!
Organized crime and coverups will always be around. To counter it, what we really need is organized punishment, like a bunch of covert organized Dexters. The justice system continually proves itself to administer anything but.
“These people aren’t like your or me…” yet we (I unfortunately include myself in this) continue to vote them into office. Ostensibly we could vote better people in but it always seems like it’s a choice between bad (probably not a strong enough word) options. How do we fix that?
Thanks for putting this together. You're right, there is so much to this story that can't be and should not be ignored. The lack of accountability on the part of our "elites" is unbearable.
Really appreciate you compiling all of this into one episode.listened to it all at work and on the way home.looking forward to the labor war episodes.the prologue was pretty eye opening for me
Non sequitur. Had an idea for the unravelling podcast. I'd like to hear from you and Jocko and relevant mil spouses about what the last 20 years of raising kids with husbands in and out and in danger was like. Interested in this as I found this, not the mission, to be the most challenging part of military life.
This series gets random shout outs all over the place. It's going to end up being the authoritative piece on Epstein.
Should splice in stuff from unraveling 15: Devil moves in crowds, to show how far back the same evil has existed (800 children, Louis XIV, etc.).
Goes back further than all that. Look up what Tiberius got up to on Capri.
If Epstein was providing money laundering and blackmail service to intelligence agencies their need for those services didn't go away when he did. So, who is today's Epstein? It's sobering to think that there are high level government employees, likely many elected in congress (especially in the intelligence oversight committees) and probably a few rank and file agents in the three letter agencies who know and are complicit with (and participate in?) the systematic rape and trafficking of our children and it is literally happening today. It hurts to think about it.
Your tax dollars at work! It'd be naive to think Epstein was the only guy doing the job. And that's why I don't think they actually killed him, the other ones would get to thinking. One of the best avatars I've ever seen was Jose Epsteino. Picture was Epstein with a Zapata stache and a Turd Ferguson sombrero.
Ever think about making documentaries?
Yep. Discussing a few with some people right now. We'll see what happens.
Going to be hard now that you got smeared to hell and back after your Tucker and Dave Smith interviews. Hopefully some brave filmmaker will help make multiple documentary series with you and you can release it on rumble. Love your work!
Super-handy. I always listen to your series from the start when you release a new episode.
Organized crime and coverups will always be around. To counter it, what we really need is organized punishment, like a bunch of covert organized Dexters. The justice system continually proves itself to administer anything but.
I keep telling Jocko this, but he's always so busy...
McManus Brothers style. 💚🤍🧡
And the Coast Guard can keep those guys in check.
“These people aren’t like your or me…” yet we (I unfortunately include myself in this) continue to vote them into office. Ostensibly we could vote better people in but it always seems like it’s a choice between bad (probably not a strong enough word) options. How do we fix that?
Unfortunately the higher someone rises in power the more the system either works for them or against them.
We are left with the people the system has chosen to be there.
Really not much of a choose for us.
If you think the electoral process can change anything, look no further than Bernie Sanders. Or hell, Ross Perot.
Amazing piece of work. I'm not sure how you can do the research for these and not jump out of your skin. Demons are real.
I wasn't ready for looking up that "art" as you were talking about it
For those of us that are self loathing? Lmao
Thanks for putting this together. You're right, there is so much to this story that can't be and should not be ignored. The lack of accountability on the part of our "elites" is unbearable.
America listens, acknowledges the evil, shrugs shoulders..... cant happen to me or mine.
Really appreciate you compiling all of this into one episode.listened to it all at work and on the way home.looking forward to the labor war episodes.the prologue was pretty eye opening for me
Brilliant series, can't thank you enough for putting it together.
Any recommendations for books on Robert Maxwell? The few I've found online seem to cover his media mogul days but not so much the war and espionage
Since you put this on your public feed can you make this substack post public? Makes it easier to share.
The public feed only has episodes 1-2.
Non sequitur. Had an idea for the unravelling podcast. I'd like to hear from you and Jocko and relevant mil spouses about what the last 20 years of raising kids with husbands in and out and in danger was like. Interested in this as I found this, not the mission, to be the most challenging part of military life.