Whatever your version of cracking a beer and enjoying this for a moment is, I hope you’re doing it. Congrats.

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Haha I'm saving it to get off work, crack a beer, and enjoy the episode

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Smart! I started it middle of the workday... I do not recommend. Now I have to think about finishing it all day long!

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The podcast or the beer?

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😆 both

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That part about Ireland hit. I was visiting my sister a couple weeks ago and she mentioned our home state is on track to have most people living here be people that were born in another state. I guess I’m supposed to be ok with it because we’re all Americans but damned if it doesn’t bother me. Nothing against them as individuals but that many of them in basically my life? It bothers me.

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“I'm not from here

I just live here

But people tell me it's not like it used to be

They say I should've been here back about ten years

Before it got ruined by folks like me”

-James McMurtry

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I’m from Wyoming. Grew up on a ranch in South Dakota. Every time I see Colorado or California license plates it bothers me. They are running from the ridiculous policies of their state, that they helped create, just to come here and destroy the housing market and change the politics to the exact same thing they just ran away from. I want them all to leave.

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The people slinging pejoratives at Darryl are either parroting, propagandizing, or potentially retarded. No one can listen to this podcast and truly think he's a bad or negative person—the detractors will have unbearable cognitive dissonance if they choose to tune in.

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Favorite part so far is the shidding yourself story. Brilliant, insightful, riveting... clerical, even.

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Man your stock constantly rises!

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I am pumped that the people I’ve talked into listening to Joe Rogan will get to hear Darryl. This is a great time saver. I was planning on guiding them through at least three rounds of podcast recommendations (starting with something like Benjamin Boyce or The American Mind, then going to J. Burden, then to Auron McIntyre) to get them from Point Rogan to Point Martyrmade, but now I can skip all that.

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Authors cited: UncleAdolf1488 of the Unz comments section

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TG we only had 90 seconds of mma talk (foreplay) before Joe let our boy cook 🤌 well done DC!

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So glad for you. The suffering and dedication has paid off.

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Sometimes Joe should talk less.

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I thought Joe was pretty restrained.

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Happy for you man. Been a supporter since 2018. I disagree with what you say at times, sometimes vehemently. But you are a good dude, and I am very happy that all of your efforts have gotten you to this level of success. Very well deserved. Cheers to you, your wife, and your continued success

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I'm looking forward to watching. Your research on history tends to piss some people off. But it's true and you come with receipts. It'll be cool to see you blow his mind with your learned research. Oh, the Churchill stuff and the truths on WWII Or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflicts.. Or even on the Weather Underground. Yeah, I'm looking forward.

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This is awesome to see. Congrats.

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Oh hell yeah

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It’s about time. You should’ve been on over a year ago. Congrats. 🥳

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I remember recommending you years ago back when the Rogan website took guest suggestions.

I take full credit for this.

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