Hey guys. I just realized how long it’d been since I gave you anything, and thought you deserved an update. I decided that I’m never going to finish this next history episode unless I buckle down for a few weeks and hammer it out with no distractions. The good news is, I’m really almost finished. I’ve rewritten it a couple times, and now I’m on the home stretch. The bad news is, I need another week or two to wrap it up. I really appreciate your patience.
In the meantime, I owe you guys at least *something*, so let’s do a Q&A. Put your questions or thoughts in the comments below, and I’ll answer them during my breaks from working on the history show. No topic restrictions, ask whatever you want. Thanks again, guys.
Hi Darryl,
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Some questions:
1) Do you consider yourself an historian, a writer, or a podcaster first?
2) What is your mother's maiden name?
3) How much of a government/CIA/glowie op do you think the Floyd riots were? Like percentage? Certain cities more than others?
4) What was the first concert you attended?
5) Not a question but fun fact: a coworker of mine's dad did plumbing work for Jim Jones in Indianapolis and got stiffed. Apparently Jones was well known for this amongst the contractors in Indy.
6) What was the make and model of your first car?
When you and Jocko gonna do an unraveling again?