1) Do you consider yourself an historian, a writer, or a podcaster first?
2) What is your mother's maiden name?
3) How much of a government/CIA/glowie op do you think the Floyd riots were? Like percentage? Certain cities more than others?
4) What was the first concert you attended?
5) Not a question but fun fact: a coworker of mine's dad did plumbing work for Jim Jones in Indianapolis and got stiffed. Apparently Jones was well known for this amongst the contractors in Indy.
But for real, I am curious your thoughts on the extent of government involvement in the Floyd riots. Obviously there was overt stuff like Kamala and the bail fund and other things like that. I'm more interested in your take on the groups themselves. What your Jim Jones series made me realize was how extensive, well-funded, and old some of these leftist/Commie agitprop groups actually are and how a lot of what we are seeing today actually flows from groups active in the 60s and 70s.
So I wonder about whether or not CIA or other agencies are involved in the funding and organization of groups like antifa and BLM. We've seen the FBI infiltrate right-wing groups to "prevent" tragedies, is that happening on the left too? I feel like I've been bracing for a real WU/BP type group (in terms of violence) crop up again.
Everyone knows the IAC excels in color revolutions around the world but they would NEVER do that here, right????? I mean, they are Americans...Red White Blue and all that jazz.
I would like to hear at least hear DC's unvarnished reactions in reaction to Tucker's "good vs. evil" speech at the Heritage foundation event over the weekend.
I wouldn’t think he’d sign anything that said he couldn’t broadcast anything at all. At least, not without some really serious cash. Certainly, he can’t go to work on any major networks for quite some time, but I’d think an internet show would be an agreeable compromise in any non-compete provision.
Tucker and DC could be like the Young Turks without all the retards.
DC - what's your outlook on the future of California, and why have you stayed out there for so long? I spent some time growing up in San Diego and have since relocated to a red state and am very happy with my decision (even if SD is one of the saner parts of the state).
As an aside - I think it would be great if you did some sort of in-depth podcast series on the '92 LA riots. A lot of us younger millennials were never taught much about the riots in school. Until I watched the documentary "LA 1992", I didn't appreciate the extent to which disorder prevailed for some time and how the whole event parallels what we saw in 2020.
Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Liked by Darryl Cooper
I remember hearing a story of the LA riots (Bryan Suits MM episode?) that while the government was doing nothing to stop the riots and looting, the media caught wind of the rooftop Koreans trying to defend their area and then the government quickly sent in troops to disarm them.
YES!!! the roofs Koreans! They were like former South Korea military! Thats an excellent example of 2nd amendment rights being used to prevent hostile take over as well as protect private property!
Someone interviewed a "military" guy who was apart of the "LA Riot Squad" i can't place who it was or the podcast.. I mean basically they armed the police military style to "prevent" a total blood bath... thankfully nothing "happened" per se... and they didn't prevent LA from burning either... they were VERY concerned about the roof Koreans though
Is it possible to make a prediction like that in the age of the internet? No matter how good a location is now, a weaponized internet can destroy it from within.
I’d like to know: what are your thoughts on doing a series on the Kennedy assassination?
I recently watched Oliver Stone’s JFK and I’ve been diving into all the conspiracies. I’m curious what your take on it would be, and if it would be similar to your Epstein series.
No comment or question other than please don't feel obligated to release "more" content. The history episodes alone would be good value for my money, so don't beat yourself up over it.
Ha, thanks. You say that, and I appreciate it, but not everyone agrees! Which I understand! You're dropping $5 a month and have a right to expect regular content.
What is the best version of the Bible? I know you have previously recommended a specific version which I think is as close to a direct Greek translation as is available. I cannot remember which version this is. Thanks.
New Revised Standard Version, 2nd Catholic Edition. Ignatius and Ascension have great editions. Online, Bible Gateway has that as an option. There are also Greek and Hebrew Intralinear Bibles online that you can use to research certain words / passages.
From a Protestant point of view, there are two main philosophies of translation dominate. One approach first demonstrated in the original New International Version (NIV) in 1973 sought to put the audience first and the text second. In seeking to make a translation understandable the emphasis is placed on the perceived comprehension of the person reading or hearing it. This theory of translation is called the dynamic equivalence approach and has resulted in many derivatives of the NIV dominating the US market. So it is not uncommon today to find multiple translations aimed at a specific demographic, i.e. the left handed, asian, urban study bible. This approach honestly in my judgment is more of a loose commentary on the text than an accurate translation. The second approach in terms of the history of the English Bible flows from the King James tradition that placed the emphasis on the text first then the audience. Some examples of this more literal translation philosophy would be the New King James Bible (NKJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and English Standard Version (ESV). Leland Ryken, a retired professor at Wheaton college, has written a solid book on translation philosophy, The Word of God in English. There is a tremendous amount of nuance to this discussion particularly with discoveries of different manuscripts after the publication of the KJV but personally, I like the ESV and NASB.
In some of your earlier episodes you’ve talked a little bit about Hawaiian history and cultural practices. Where’d the interest come from? Did you spend time here while you were in the Navy? I was really surprised at how much “cultural rhyming” I experienced listening to you talk about Appalachia and the Scotch Irish in the prologue and first ‘Who’s America’ episode.
We always joked growing up that we’re tropical rednecks. I never realized how true that was until learning more about that part of America.
Also that immigration discussion you had was especially heavy for me, since the kinds of immigration policies the U.S. has been implementing destroyed my people in a political/demographic sense.
I heard you talking about how the USA is becoming non-white and that you think we should stop immigrants. I get that we need to be careful not to overload infrastructure and services, but I don't think the USA has to be white dominant. Don't you think the USA should belong to all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity?
LOL. Even if you exclude all responses that exclude white nationalism, there is no way to answer this question honestly that does not turn into a massive shit storm. This also excludes your trollish straw-man phrasing of "Don't you think the USA should belong to all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity?" All citizens have equal rights. In fact you might even argue that some protected classes have a little more than equal rights.
The very basic answer is that anti-immigration is not about racial animus. It's about wages for the lower and middle classes. Immigration is unquestionably good for the PMC and corporate oligarch classes. For everyone else, massive immigration causes lower wages, and higher rents.
second on this. I thought the teams were those committed to the constitution v others. Am I being naive? the racial distinction is unnecessarily divisive.
Not wrong to speak on the stats if they show major alignment along racial demos- but that is still just incidental and not something you can build policy around.
I would love to hear Darryl’s take on this but I can give my own perspective, which is:
Look where the last 20-30 years have already taken us as far as increasing outright open hostility by academia, media, etc towards “legacy” white working/ middle class middle Americans. Whiteness in particular is under attack. A new video of people being attacked just for being white posted online daily. Yet the media is sweeping this under the rug and gets zero or biased coverage. Go compare Ralph Yarl’s amount of national coverage and how often race is mentioned in headlines. Now go google Connor Mullins who you probably never heard about. Why not?? Because his skin is the wrong color. No White House invitations!. What about Kinsley white and her dad with the basketball shooting ? No racial headlines there. That stuff is happening constantly in a controlled way . Try googling about anti white hate crimes and most results will turn up articles about whites committing hate crimes.
And if they’re this bold now with whites at the current population level of still being a slight majority, what will happen when that’s no longer the case ?? More and more open hostility and hate crimes towards whites on a daily basis. Is that a nation any of us can or want to live in?? I’ve got young kids to protect and don’t want them being punished for their skin color that they can’t control.
Don't you think its "whites" who have shown a propensity to not follow the "new normal" and have shown a propensity to be autonomous, to be rebellious, to desire the ability to be free of restrictions and want to be left alone?
And then the immigrant class who came here by and large desired the same... now with the "media" and the "elites" programs "white = bad" aren't they just really saying the desire to be free is bad? To want a specific culture and way of life is bad?
When "blacks" or "Mexicans" do something along what i described they get labeled as "white" isn't that interesting?
They are demonizing a culture... not a color... because an "uncle tom" can easily be made out as being "white" in actions even being a different shade!
They want us being divided on sight though and not character and culture!
They want an Us vs. Them based on optics because if you knew your black neighbor or your Mexican neighbor or your Arab neighbor actually thought like you, wanted what you wanted... they you'd be far more willing to work along side them... AND THAT is actually whats unacceptable to them...
Find me a single non white majority country you'd be happy to move your wife and kids to... The harm is that peoples create cultures. Culture is an expression of a collective consciousness of a given people in a time and place. If you invite the 3rd world into a liberal democracy you become the 3rd world, culturally, economically, spiritually.
The crazy thing is that while the left has embraced collectivism as a weapon to be used by its various interest groups, the vast majority of the mainstream right still holds an extreme taboo on any sort of Euro-descended collective consciousness, almost like their hyper individualism is what defines and unifies them as an ideology. While I can understand the merits of that, it’s very difficult to win an ideological struggle when your ideology is inherently disunifying.
I'm ever the cynic so my perspective is that this ideological emphasis on "rugged individualism" was tactically redefined and reframed in the collective consciousness of the average right-leaning American with the intent of neutering any potential collective action toward political goals. Where I think this perspective is most insidiously manifested is in the average working class conservative's worship of "free market" exploitative capitalism and the tolerance of libertine ideals on the basis of muh individual rights. The other side of that individualist coin that works against the powers that be is on things like gun rights and school choice. It's definitely a mixed bag of good and bad but I think it's obvious that on the most important issues this "every man is an island" idea has played directly into the hands of the people that actually understand power dynamics.
Am I crazy, or does it seem like a lot of the things the Unabomber in his manifesto was warning the world about is now our reality? Pace of technology being unstoppable, etc... Should we be revisiting where he said all this would lead us to?
My take on Tucker Carlson's excommunication from Fox is that internal forces see hm as a hinderance to going mainstream in their national status and his attacks on the majority of the D.C. political machine made him a liability. How does this square with your view.
A secondary question is how did Dominion win such a huge payout from Fox? My understanding is that Carlson only offered those who were accusing them of malfeasance an opportunity to show their evidence and that he privately expressed doubt about their charges.
Obviously you won't be writing about him in Claremont Review but what do you think of RFK Jr? I just read a really good article and interview on and of him in Tablet by a writer named David Samuels. Samuels writes of RFK Jr, "He believes that conspiracy theories are not only real but define American reality." Any thoughts on the guy?
Hi Darryl,
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Some questions:
1) Do you consider yourself an historian, a writer, or a podcaster first?
2) What is your mother's maiden name?
3) How much of a government/CIA/glowie op do you think the Floyd riots were? Like percentage? Certain cities more than others?
4) What was the first concert you attended?
5) Not a question but fun fact: a coworker of mine's dad did plumbing work for Jim Jones in Indianapolis and got stiffed. Apparently Jones was well known for this amongst the contractors in Indy.
6) What was the make and model of your first car?
Do you have any questions that aren’t answers to password reset challenges?
Hey, you said ANYTHING!
But for real, I am curious your thoughts on the extent of government involvement in the Floyd riots. Obviously there was overt stuff like Kamala and the bail fund and other things like that. I'm more interested in your take on the groups themselves. What your Jim Jones series made me realize was how extensive, well-funded, and old some of these leftist/Commie agitprop groups actually are and how a lot of what we are seeing today actually flows from groups active in the 60s and 70s.
So I wonder about whether or not CIA or other agencies are involved in the funding and organization of groups like antifa and BLM. We've seen the FBI infiltrate right-wing groups to "prevent" tragedies, is that happening on the left too? I feel like I've been bracing for a real WU/BP type group (in terms of violence) crop up again.
Everyone knows the IAC excels in color revolutions around the world but they would NEVER do that here, right????? I mean, they are Americans...Red White Blue and all that jazz.
I'm glad you saw it just as quick as I did lmao
Damn! You’re onto me!
When you and Jocko gonna do an unraveling again?
Please. Host as guests Malice and Dave smith, I’m pretty sure the four of you can create a new American political movement
What he said!
I heard the deep state scared them into not doing it anymore, I listen to both of them a lot less because of that.
Took my questions..haha
Have you heard anything from your boy Tucker? You two should collaborate on something.
Second on Tucker.
I would like to hear at least hear DC's unvarnished reactions in reaction to Tucker's "good vs. evil" speech at the Heritage foundation event over the weekend.
If Fox news is smart they'll continue paying him to keep his non compete and out of public view.
I wouldn’t think he’d sign anything that said he couldn’t broadcast anything at all. At least, not without some really serious cash. Certainly, he can’t go to work on any major networks for quite some time, but I’d think an internet show would be an agreeable compromise in any non-compete provision.
Tucker and DC could be like the Young Turks without all the retards.
Yeah, I think it will be interesting to see how it pans out. I hope they beg him to come back after their stock tanks, but Rupert is old and wealthy
I was going to say also without the genocide and then I thought about the program content and decided I can’t really claim that.
I quite enjoyed that joke.
And O'Keefe
To each their own, I suppose.
When will the recommended books list on your website be posted?
^I second this question
DC - what's your outlook on the future of California, and why have you stayed out there for so long? I spent some time growing up in San Diego and have since relocated to a red state and am very happy with my decision (even if SD is one of the saner parts of the state).
As an aside - I think it would be great if you did some sort of in-depth podcast series on the '92 LA riots. A lot of us younger millennials were never taught much about the riots in school. Until I watched the documentary "LA 1992", I didn't appreciate the extent to which disorder prevailed for some time and how the whole event parallels what we saw in 2020.
I remember hearing a story of the LA riots (Bryan Suits MM episode?) that while the government was doing nothing to stop the riots and looting, the media caught wind of the rooftop Koreans trying to defend their area and then the government quickly sent in troops to disarm them.
How about a full episode on anarcho-tyranny?
YES!!! the roofs Koreans! They were like former South Korea military! Thats an excellent example of 2nd amendment rights being used to prevent hostile take over as well as protect private property!
Someone interviewed a "military" guy who was apart of the "LA Riot Squad" i can't place who it was or the podcast.. I mean basically they armed the police military style to "prevent" a total blood bath... thankfully nothing "happened" per se... and they didn't prevent LA from burning either... they were VERY concerned about the roof Koreans though
Me too. San Diego to ID. SD sane? It’s a left field haven now with a relentless homeless problem. They ruined our city.
Is it possible to make a prediction like that in the age of the internet? No matter how good a location is now, a weaponized internet can destroy it from within.
Hey Daryl,
I’d like to know: what are your thoughts on doing a series on the Kennedy assassination?
I recently watched Oliver Stone’s JFK and I’ve been diving into all the conspiracies. I’m curious what your take on it would be, and if it would be similar to your Epstein series.
Will you and Jocko be doing anymore Unraveling podcasts?
No comment or question other than please don't feel obligated to release "more" content. The history episodes alone would be good value for my money, so don't beat yourself up over it.
Ha, thanks. You say that, and I appreciate it, but not everyone agrees! Which I understand! You're dropping $5 a month and have a right to expect regular content.
I'm with this guy ^
I'm an MM fan for the history podcasts. All the extra stuff is entertaining enough, but that's not why I'm here.
What is the best version of the Bible? I know you have previously recommended a specific version which I think is as close to a direct Greek translation as is available. I cannot remember which version this is. Thanks.
New Revised Standard Version, 2nd Catholic Edition. Ignatius and Ascension have great editions. Online, Bible Gateway has that as an option. There are also Greek and Hebrew Intralinear Bibles online that you can use to research certain words / passages.
I believe DC mentioned the Farrar Fenton translation a while back.
Damn, you guys don't forget a thing haha...
You might be right. The red and white cover looks familiar. I thought it was published later, but I might be misremembering.
I’d be interested in an answer to this one as well,
New English Translation (NET). They include about 60,000 translator notes.
From a Protestant point of view, there are two main philosophies of translation dominate. One approach first demonstrated in the original New International Version (NIV) in 1973 sought to put the audience first and the text second. In seeking to make a translation understandable the emphasis is placed on the perceived comprehension of the person reading or hearing it. This theory of translation is called the dynamic equivalence approach and has resulted in many derivatives of the NIV dominating the US market. So it is not uncommon today to find multiple translations aimed at a specific demographic, i.e. the left handed, asian, urban study bible. This approach honestly in my judgment is more of a loose commentary on the text than an accurate translation. The second approach in terms of the history of the English Bible flows from the King James tradition that placed the emphasis on the text first then the audience. Some examples of this more literal translation philosophy would be the New King James Bible (NKJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and English Standard Version (ESV). Leland Ryken, a retired professor at Wheaton college, has written a solid book on translation philosophy, The Word of God in English. There is a tremendous amount of nuance to this discussion particularly with discoveries of different manuscripts after the publication of the KJV but personally, I like the ESV and NASB.
In some of your earlier episodes you’ve talked a little bit about Hawaiian history and cultural practices. Where’d the interest come from? Did you spend time here while you were in the Navy? I was really surprised at how much “cultural rhyming” I experienced listening to you talk about Appalachia and the Scotch Irish in the prologue and first ‘Who’s America’ episode.
We always joked growing up that we’re tropical rednecks. I never realized how true that was until learning more about that part of America.
Also that immigration discussion you had was especially heavy for me, since the kinds of immigration policies the U.S. has been implementing destroyed my people in a political/demographic sense.
History On Fire is in the midst of a Hawaiian history series, maybe that has something to do about it?
For every random Twitter troll you tell to eat shit gets you one more week to put out the podcast!
Take your time to make it good, but not enough to make it perfect.
Hey Darryl,
I heard you talking about how the USA is becoming non-white and that you think we should stop immigrants. I get that we need to be careful not to overload infrastructure and services, but I don't think the USA has to be white dominant. Don't you think the USA should belong to all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity?
What are your thoughts on this?
Thanks for your work that I really appreciate!
LOL. Even if you exclude all responses that exclude white nationalism, there is no way to answer this question honestly that does not turn into a massive shit storm. This also excludes your trollish straw-man phrasing of "Don't you think the USA should belong to all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity?" All citizens have equal rights. In fact you might even argue that some protected classes have a little more than equal rights.
The very basic answer is that anti-immigration is not about racial animus. It's about wages for the lower and middle classes. Immigration is unquestionably good for the PMC and corporate oligarch classes. For everyone else, massive immigration causes lower wages, and higher rents.
Max, I did not interpret his comments that way. Common culture matters, not skin color.
second on this. I thought the teams were those committed to the constitution v others. Am I being naive? the racial distinction is unnecessarily divisive.
Not wrong to speak on the stats if they show major alignment along racial demos- but that is still just incidental and not something you can build policy around.
To tag on, what is the harm if whites become a minority?
I would love to hear Darryl’s take on this but I can give my own perspective, which is:
Look where the last 20-30 years have already taken us as far as increasing outright open hostility by academia, media, etc towards “legacy” white working/ middle class middle Americans. Whiteness in particular is under attack. A new video of people being attacked just for being white posted online daily. Yet the media is sweeping this under the rug and gets zero or biased coverage. Go compare Ralph Yarl’s amount of national coverage and how often race is mentioned in headlines. Now go google Connor Mullins who you probably never heard about. Why not?? Because his skin is the wrong color. No White House invitations!. What about Kinsley white and her dad with the basketball shooting ? No racial headlines there. That stuff is happening constantly in a controlled way . Try googling about anti white hate crimes and most results will turn up articles about whites committing hate crimes.
And if they’re this bold now with whites at the current population level of still being a slight majority, what will happen when that’s no longer the case ?? More and more open hostility and hate crimes towards whites on a daily basis. Is that a nation any of us can or want to live in?? I’ve got young kids to protect and don’t want them being punished for their skin color that they can’t control.
Don't you think its "whites" who have shown a propensity to not follow the "new normal" and have shown a propensity to be autonomous, to be rebellious, to desire the ability to be free of restrictions and want to be left alone?
And then the immigrant class who came here by and large desired the same... now with the "media" and the "elites" programs "white = bad" aren't they just really saying the desire to be free is bad? To want a specific culture and way of life is bad?
When "blacks" or "Mexicans" do something along what i described they get labeled as "white" isn't that interesting?
They are demonizing a culture... not a color... because an "uncle tom" can easily be made out as being "white" in actions even being a different shade!
They want us being divided on sight though and not character and culture!
They want an Us vs. Them based on optics because if you knew your black neighbor or your Mexican neighbor or your Arab neighbor actually thought like you, wanted what you wanted... they you'd be far more willing to work along side them... AND THAT is actually whats unacceptable to them...
Remember Cannon Hinnant.
Find me a single non white majority country you'd be happy to move your wife and kids to... The harm is that peoples create cultures. Culture is an expression of a collective consciousness of a given people in a time and place. If you invite the 3rd world into a liberal democracy you become the 3rd world, culturally, economically, spiritually.
The crazy thing is that while the left has embraced collectivism as a weapon to be used by its various interest groups, the vast majority of the mainstream right still holds an extreme taboo on any sort of Euro-descended collective consciousness, almost like their hyper individualism is what defines and unifies them as an ideology. While I can understand the merits of that, it’s very difficult to win an ideological struggle when your ideology is inherently disunifying.
I'm ever the cynic so my perspective is that this ideological emphasis on "rugged individualism" was tactically redefined and reframed in the collective consciousness of the average right-leaning American with the intent of neutering any potential collective action toward political goals. Where I think this perspective is most insidiously manifested is in the average working class conservative's worship of "free market" exploitative capitalism and the tolerance of libertine ideals on the basis of muh individual rights. The other side of that individualist coin that works against the powers that be is on things like gun rights and school choice. It's definitely a mixed bag of good and bad but I think it's obvious that on the most important issues this "every man is an island" idea has played directly into the hands of the people that actually understand power dynamics.
I don't want to admit you're right, but that is a damn good point.
I would also like to hear more from Darryl on this.
Am I crazy, or does it seem like a lot of the things the Unabomber in his manifesto was warning the world about is now our reality? Pace of technology being unstoppable, etc... Should we be revisiting where he said all this would lead us to?
Great comment!
My take on Tucker Carlson's excommunication from Fox is that internal forces see hm as a hinderance to going mainstream in their national status and his attacks on the majority of the D.C. political machine made him a liability. How does this square with your view.
A secondary question is how did Dominion win such a huge payout from Fox? My understanding is that Carlson only offered those who were accusing them of malfeasance an opportunity to show their evidence and that he privately expressed doubt about their charges.
Stan Huie, Fredericksburg, VA
All your base are belong to us.
Obviously you won't be writing about him in Claremont Review but what do you think of RFK Jr? I just read a really good article and interview on and of him in Tablet by a writer named David Samuels. Samuels writes of RFK Jr, "He believes that conspiracy theories are not only real but define American reality." Any thoughts on the guy?