You saying the stakes are different indicates that an insurrection could have ever been successful. The only reason anything ever happened that was newsworthy was because they were let in.
And I didn't say that Carlin is a liberal, he just has liberal programming. A lot of people on the right do. I was listening to Jonah Goldberg (old sc…
You saying the stakes are different indicates that an insurrection could have ever been successful. The only reason anything ever happened that was newsworthy was because they were let in.
And I didn't say that Carlin is a liberal, he just has liberal programming. A lot of people on the right do. I was listening to Jonah Goldberg (old school neocon) talk about the Rittenhouse trial and before he said "but it was clearly self defense" he had to throw in all his liberal misinformation priors about how he shouldn't have been there in the first place and he shouldn't have crossed state lines with a fully semi-automatic ar-15. People drink this Kool aid on all sides of the aisle. And you don't hear very many liberals repeating right wing talking points. Might be a tangent but whatever.
The stakes are different not because they could have succeeded in overturning the election that day. The stakes are different both because the lives of elected officials were threatened because of a fraudulent conspiracy theory (pushed by a president), and because this tact GOP politicians are starting to take following trump (i/e every election they lose is rigged) is dangerous. It erodes the legitimacy and functionality of our system. We, as a country, have had riots in throughout our history and we have recovered. What is far less common is mainstream political figures casting doubt on our elections for base political and financial gain. If this continues, its going to get very ugly.
On Rittenhouse, I honestly don't see what's wrong with Dan or Goldberg thinking a 17 year old should not have been there. He shouldn't have been. No shortage of experienced adults could have taken his place. Fair point on the "crossed state lines with a weapon" stuff though. It's a point that is both inaccurate (he did not cross state lines with that weapon) and irrelevant (he lived 15 minutes away and worked in Kenosha).
People did not start thinking elections were rigged because of Trump. People called shenanigans on Bush 2 both times. As far as the holy legitimacy of our electoral process, look up the Diebold backdoor hack.
You saying the stakes are different indicates that an insurrection could have ever been successful. The only reason anything ever happened that was newsworthy was because they were let in.
And I didn't say that Carlin is a liberal, he just has liberal programming. A lot of people on the right do. I was listening to Jonah Goldberg (old school neocon) talk about the Rittenhouse trial and before he said "but it was clearly self defense" he had to throw in all his liberal misinformation priors about how he shouldn't have been there in the first place and he shouldn't have crossed state lines with a fully semi-automatic ar-15. People drink this Kool aid on all sides of the aisle. And you don't hear very many liberals repeating right wing talking points. Might be a tangent but whatever.
The stakes are different not because they could have succeeded in overturning the election that day. The stakes are different both because the lives of elected officials were threatened because of a fraudulent conspiracy theory (pushed by a president), and because this tact GOP politicians are starting to take following trump (i/e every election they lose is rigged) is dangerous. It erodes the legitimacy and functionality of our system. We, as a country, have had riots in throughout our history and we have recovered. What is far less common is mainstream political figures casting doubt on our elections for base political and financial gain. If this continues, its going to get very ugly.
On Rittenhouse, I honestly don't see what's wrong with Dan or Goldberg thinking a 17 year old should not have been there. He shouldn't have been. No shortage of experienced adults could have taken his place. Fair point on the "crossed state lines with a weapon" stuff though. It's a point that is both inaccurate (he did not cross state lines with that weapon) and irrelevant (he lived 15 minutes away and worked in Kenosha).
People did not start thinking elections were rigged because of Trump. People called shenanigans on Bush 2 both times. As far as the holy legitimacy of our electoral process, look up the Diebold backdoor hack.
Where else should Kyle Rittenhouse have been? Playing video games?