I'm also a Canuckian (Victoria, BC) and there is a fair amount of criticism of antifa here, probably because we are closer to Portland and Seattle and can relate more to the crap that was going on there.
Could see Ontario people being more turned off by criticism of antifa since I've noticed the leftists there align pretty hard with the Democrats.
I'm also a Canuckian (Victoria, BC) and there is a fair amount of criticism of antifa here, probably because we are closer to Portland and Seattle and can relate more to the crap that was going on there.
Could see Ontario people being more turned off by criticism of antifa since I've noticed the leftists there align pretty hard with the Democrats.
I think that's true but it's not being critical of antifa I'm concerned about. It's some of the things he claims about them that really sound like right wing bs. For example I seriously doubt antifa was standing at the protests handing out 20's and 100's to people to protest. It makes no sense and sounds so sleazy. If you give someone a hundred bucks to protest then most reasonable people will walk in the general direction of the protest then go home. A fool parted from their money. Personally, I would go back for seconds and thirds because taking money from sleazy people like that wouldn't bother me. Darryl doesn't have the time to fully fact check episodes like this and any flaw will cause left wing people to dismiss him as a right wing nut. Though someone mentioned he could release it seperate from the MM podcast which seems reasonable
Not sure where you are from Morton I'm from Portland and antifa has done nothing but break burn and destroy my downtown solving and doing nothing. It is a weak group of whinny people only feeling strong in a group one on one most are cowards with no real ideas or even the ability to talk just yell and whine I have never posted anything ever but defending antifa is dumb as a mixed race man nothing pisses me off more than white guy's wasting my tax dollars telling me what is right
Oh ya, they are terrible. Their extreme views, insistence on their rules being followed, and unwillingness to compromise are ironically close to fascism.
I was worried about people predisposed to ignoring right wing views dismissing Darryl based on him making a questionable assertion. It's not his critique of antifa that I was concerned about. At this point I'm pretty sure I was wrong and as long as he doesn't start stating his views in the main podcast, everything is fine.
I would be interested to see his sources for that.
That said, he did say they weren't paying for protests, they were paying to do something (break a window, throw some shit at a cop, etc). Easy enough to pay after the fact for a single action you can watch completed and would explain why so many of the people who actually get arrested at the antifa events seem deranged and have massive rap sheets. Basically paying mentally unwell and drug addicted drifters to be the ones to break laws.
Either way, I do agree it would be nice of he would keep his persona a little more moderate. His history stuff is where he really shines and can be the most influential so don't like him turning off so many by preaching to the choir on current events.
I'm also a Canuckian (Victoria, BC) and there is a fair amount of criticism of antifa here, probably because we are closer to Portland and Seattle and can relate more to the crap that was going on there.
Could see Ontario people being more turned off by criticism of antifa since I've noticed the leftists there align pretty hard with the Democrats.
I think that's true but it's not being critical of antifa I'm concerned about. It's some of the things he claims about them that really sound like right wing bs. For example I seriously doubt antifa was standing at the protests handing out 20's and 100's to people to protest. It makes no sense and sounds so sleazy. If you give someone a hundred bucks to protest then most reasonable people will walk in the general direction of the protest then go home. A fool parted from their money. Personally, I would go back for seconds and thirds because taking money from sleazy people like that wouldn't bother me. Darryl doesn't have the time to fully fact check episodes like this and any flaw will cause left wing people to dismiss him as a right wing nut. Though someone mentioned he could release it seperate from the MM podcast which seems reasonable
Not sure where you are from Morton I'm from Portland and antifa has done nothing but break burn and destroy my downtown solving and doing nothing. It is a weak group of whinny people only feeling strong in a group one on one most are cowards with no real ideas or even the ability to talk just yell and whine I have never posted anything ever but defending antifa is dumb as a mixed race man nothing pisses me off more than white guy's wasting my tax dollars telling me what is right
Oh ya, they are terrible. Their extreme views, insistence on their rules being followed, and unwillingness to compromise are ironically close to fascism.
I was worried about people predisposed to ignoring right wing views dismissing Darryl based on him making a questionable assertion. It's not his critique of antifa that I was concerned about. At this point I'm pretty sure I was wrong and as long as he doesn't start stating his views in the main podcast, everything is fine.
I'm from Ontario, by the way.
I would be interested to see his sources for that.
That said, he did say they weren't paying for protests, they were paying to do something (break a window, throw some shit at a cop, etc). Easy enough to pay after the fact for a single action you can watch completed and would explain why so many of the people who actually get arrested at the antifa events seem deranged and have massive rap sheets. Basically paying mentally unwell and drug addicted drifters to be the ones to break laws.
Either way, I do agree it would be nice of he would keep his persona a little more moderate. His history stuff is where he really shines and can be the most influential so don't like him turning off so many by preaching to the choir on current events.