You know what amazes me? That such an obviously sane take on WWII could draw such ire.

Does this make me an antisemitic fascist too?

Do these people read books? Or does that count as doing your own research now??

Dude, you are the absolutely the most nuanced, well researched and compassionate commentator on this (and other gnarly) topics in the ecosystem.

Thank you for bravely stating the obvious in a way that maintains your dignity and humanity in spite of the cry-bullying of motivated reactionaries.

Keep being awesome 👌

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The anti-Semitic trope was made up by Israel to shut us down. It's not working anymore, thank goodness.

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If the only country you want to cause to cease to exist is the Jewish one, then trust me, it's still working.

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Mass murdering a captive population of mostly women and children to steal what little they have and force it's rag tag resistance movement into submission makes people want it to cease to exist

"Jewish" ain't got shit to do with it

Evil does

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It isn't mass murdering women and children. It is one of the lowest civilian to militant ratios in urban war history.

There are far worse conflicts going on in the world RIGHT NOW.

Just hating Jews is more fun for some folks.

Every attempted genocide in the world right now is being carried out by Muslims. Hamas has said directly that wiping the Jews from Israel is their goal. Israel is not trying to wipe out the Palestinians. That position just isn't supportable by the facts of what's going on.

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How ridiculous

Fact's you say?

Fact is, a rich powerful state with a modern military equipped with the deadliest weapons on earth doesn't have to mass murder an already confined population of mainly women and children to "defend themselves"

That position, just isn't supported by the facts of what's going on chump

Israel is murdering those women and children because it wants to terrorize those people into total submission. Not to defend themselves. To torment

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I don't take people who retcon reality for racist reasons.

You hate Jews I get it. And you're incapable of being rational because of this.

So because you're incapable of having this discussion I see no point in continuing.

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Jewish has everything to do with it. It's why you have this moral distortion and you're arguing so hard in favor of extermination of the Jews. Because you have the sickness of antisemitism.

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Jews are not your sacrificial animals.

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Your words not mine.

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If this White House has a problem with you, you’re my kind of guy.

This whole thing has only made me love and respect DC more. Can’t wait to see the reaction to the series itself.

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100% - any denouncement from the Establishment or their propaganda machine masquerading as 'corporate media' is badge of honour at this point.

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DC - not to be confused with the fools that inhabit an aforementioned large white mansion in Washington haha

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What saddens me most about this entire hullaballoo is that people that I normally respect quite a bit have had what can only be described as hysterical reactions to the Tucker interview (although it seems most of them saw the ruckus and the trolling tweets and then watched the interview having already decided you were a Hitler apologist). What made this even worse is that all of them had their full essays open to the public but comments locked down to only paying subscribers. To write a uniformed hit piece on someone based entirely on Twitter nonsense and then hide from any pushback behind a paywall is simply too cowardly to fathom especially since many of them have endured their own hysterical absurd internet cancellation mobs. I guess though I’m glad they showed their true colors so now I won’t waste my money supporting them.

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Hysterical mob of friends asking me: “So honest question: you still listening to Darryl Cooper after all this?”

How the fuck could I not? It’s as if some of my friends don’t know me.

You know who, ironically gets it? The flat-earther at work.

Darryl said in a recent bit, regarding 4chan and how people spin out of control into wild conspiracy believers. I had to justify that I’m not one of them. Still. Like I have my brain, it didn’t go anywhere.

People are quick to see that current governments are corrupt, but that somehow doesn’t apply to WW2 allied countries. Delusional.

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Say what you will about flat-earthers they will stand behind their convictions no matter what. Between the hysteria regarding this and the Tenet Media debacle (which is just Russia, Russia, Russia 2.0) it is clear that we the people have learned very little from the last 5-10 years and are still easily manipulated, even those who appeared to have somewhat come to their senses. That said the fact that as opposed to effectively cancelling DC this sky rocketed him to a much wider audience gives me some hope in the American public.

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With all due respect, standing behind completely invalid and unreliable convictions is not an enviable quality.

I agree that it is shocking just how much of the American public is easily manipulated and swayed.

Too many people and organizations with virtually zero credentials, have enormous sway.

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It’s frustrating that Bari and the Free Press, who usually take deeper dives and also offer a counter narrative to the MSM is taking the exact same view as the MSM here. I’m not going to quit listening to their content like others here, because they still do really good reporting usually and offer a perspective that isn’t otherwise represented, but it is disappointing.

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Honestly I have never been particularly impressed with the Free Press as it seems to be full of liberals who fail to understand that it’s their liberal values that led directly to their respective falls from grace and those values are the problem. They don’t say anything that actual independent journalists who didn’t get a launching pad from the MSM haven’t been saying for years. They are also entirely too emotionally invested in the Israel conflict to offer any meaningful coverage of it. Which I completely understand but it makes it difficult to consider them a generally reliable source.

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I concur of your take of the Free Press. A friend sent me the link and asked if i still listen to DC since he is just another "Jew hater." Ludicrous behavior.

Bari Weiss is one of a cadre of Progressives who got cancelled by their own side, rose up as "Free speech, anti-cancel culture" warriors who turn those same tricks against anyone with a contrary take on some precious topic of theirs. Calling people Hitler apologists, pseudo-historians, and antisemites is proof that the only thing that changed was their status with the NYT's crowd.

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Agree with much of what you say here Dr Tara. I’ve honestly never been particularly impressed with Bari Weiss as a journalist for many of the same reasons

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The MSM isn't ALWAYS wrong though.

It isn't a sign of independent thought to always feel the need to disagree with the MSM narrative. That's just reactionary.

I don't know enough about WW2 by a long shot to have a strong opinion on it, but I do not believe that all of the well regarded historians coming forward to vehemently disagree with Darryl's take on the war are only doing so because they're somehow "compromised" or they feel compelled to "tow the line".

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Given the fact that the well regarded medical establishment were proven to be compromised and gave advice that was outright bad and killed people during Covid because they wanted to toe the line and the fact that well regarded psychiatric doctors and associations have been proven to be compromised and willing to toe the line about trans ideology and that well regarded scientists have been shown to be compromised and willing to toe the line about climate change it’s not particularly hard for me to believe that historians follow the same patterns of behavior. Every group has their sacred cows and they have a need to destroy the heretics.

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I agree with everything you say, but that still doesn't suggest anything about the validity of Darryl's argument.

The medical and scientific establishments being compromised does not make it any more likely that homeopathy works or that the world is flat, even though they are both "establishment narratives".

Always opposing the establishment is how people go from being independent thinkers to conspiracy nuts.

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My point is merely that I do not find expert push back to be meaningful evidence at this point. I also find types of evidence I used to have a high regard for far less compelling than I once did.

I do not have the time or energy to put into a thorough study of the question. My general view of most conflicts is that the people at the top of the food chain are generally villains who care more about power and their own positions and goals than they do about their people. The actual national heroes are the people on the ground who are taking the real risks and making the real sacrifices.

Frankly I think the entire discussion is rather silly. The idea that someone is generally a hero or a villain is for the most part a vast over simplification. Who is a hero and who is a villain is very much going to depend on who you are and where you live or lived. Not many in Bengal thought Churchill was a hero. For non-Jews living in Poland under the Nazi occupation was less terrible than the Soviet one. I suspect very few who lost anyone in Hiroshima or Nagasaki thought FDR was a hero. (I personally would never call FDR a hero but that’s more a matter of his grotesque and horrible domestic policies.)

How does one define a hero or a villain? If for instance FDR was 100% right in how WWII was fought and he’s the hero of that war but his domestic policies were destructive and terrible to the point of villainous then which title wins out? Does being a war hero override being villainous toward your own population? If fighting a specific war is in the best interest of other population groups or even a large number of countries but it’s not in the best interest of your people does supporting that war make you a hero or a villain?

If gets even sillier when you try applying labels like “most” or “chief” or “worst”. Who is the worse villain; the one with the highest direct count (Stalin wins via this definition) or the one who through subterfuge and manipulation throws the entire world into war without really getting their hands dirty? What’s worse the immediate or near immediate execution of large numbers of “enemy” civilians or destroying an entire generation of your own men and rewriting the social and cultural structure which has devastating impacts on the local population that get amplified by every subsequent generation?

I do however think that it’s best to take a very sober look at the mythos surrounding WWII and try to find a more accurate picture of what happened. It’s worth asking if this worse case scenario could have been avoided. If not it’s worth asking if the war was fought in the best possible way or if there were choices and decisions that made things worse. If so why were those decisions made and how can we try to prevent similar paths of destruction in the future.

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Smart thoughtful comment and you're very right

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Reaction to heresy isn't rational, doesn't require a logical motive.

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Oh, I do.

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Tbf I think Cooper and a lot of his followers don't quite understand the implications of what he's doing. The myth of WWII is the foundation of Western politics and morality since the end of the war, Hitler was evil incarnate and can be summed up in "What would Hitler *not* do?". It's no coincidence that every internet argument winds up with someone calling the other Hitler.

The system also tells you that rationally analyzing and deconstructing things is a liberal virtue and that myths and superstitions are irrational and should be deconstructed. However once you start looking at WWII in a rational way and start questioning the myth, you're attacking the fundamental belief of the system and calling into question the morality of every single decision it's made since then.

It's like going to a theocratic Islamic society and questioning Islam, no matter how minor the criticism you'd expect a disproportional backlash. The same is true with WWII, this is a hyperbole, but if he claimed that the Nazis only gassed and cremated 5,999,999 Jews instead of 6 million, he would've gotten a similar backlash because he's still attacking the myth and that attack could be the first crack in the dam.

Another point of irony or cognitive dissonance is the reddit atheist view that religion is bad because it gives people something to believe in that's worth dying and killing for and so you should just be nihilistic to prevent wars from happening. The post-war order takes that view with the exception of "fighting fascism" which brings you back to the same spot where there's something worth killing and dying for, democracy, but now you've traded religion for a vague belief in democracy.


He triggered a deep cognitive dissonance that 99.9% of the population believes, hence the irrational backlash.

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Darryl now #2 on Spotify behind Rogan. This is gonna blow him up. Finally.

Everyone who parrots the media machine did this, ironically.

So many people are coming to me asking about what I think lol

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I hope you get a Rogan or Lex Fridman interview soon to broaden awareness of your takes, although arguably you have almost bigger exposure now than Lex.

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Haha Rogan would never have me on after this

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If Dave Smith wants you on, Rogan will do it.

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Yeah I'm surprised Daryl hasn't been on Part of the Problem yet.

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Dave said that Daryl’s going to be on the next episode!

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Joe has brought on controversial people in science lately, some with little/no credence, and I thought they were enjoyable episodes regardless. They claimed JRE is one of the only public spaces they can questions main stream ideas still. Disrupting the cogs has had an effect on the flow of desired public perception. As you said in the Tucker episode, the country’s national starting mythology has been questioned. I whole heartedly believe you create the best long form videos about important topics. I appreciate you have repeatedly said you would not fall for the god complex that comes with being a professional with following. It is wonderful to see people recognize your work finally and I look forward to the new series. It would be an absolute shame for anyone to say you cannot be on their platform. Personally, I believe you do not need them regardless. Martyr Made is bigger than a guest spot on some show. It has been an absolute pleasure to listen to your many works. You will definitely have the money to feed your cat now.

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I’ve always wanted you to go on JRE but I also don’t want to taking your time away from MM and The Unraveling podcast.

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I disagree, Joe loves hosting people who are misrepresented by the establishment. He’s super salty about how they treated him during covid and is more than happy to give a voice to others in the same boat. If anything this helps your odds. And on top of that Dave Smith loves you and plugs your content every time he’s on JRE.

Now, on the other hand, I had always hoped you’d go on my other favorite podcast The Fifth Column but that’s definitely not going to happen 😂. Would have loved to hear you iron out ideas with Moynihan but oh well.

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Because he can’t and therefore won’t explicitly and clearly defend or even state his ideas. So he’ll continue to scribble here, write his alternative histories, only speak to other friendly “Nazi curious” hosts, while shouting “the media is out to get me!”. Go head to head with Moynihan as Noam offered. In good faith, as Noam offered. Many people would love to see you explain and redeem yourself. For your neo-Nazi fanboys or flat-earthers, this post is sufficient. But it’s frankly a joke for any serious people who previously paid for your work.

Oh you get nervous and are “bad at talking” so slide into Holocaust denial? (yes, that’s what you did and you know better, which makes it even worse.).

The Nazis were just like a meth’d up dad who kills his family but it’s kinda-sorta the police fault? And maybe if we would have just left them alone, they would have just rounded up all the Jews & Catholics into slave labor camps and maybe that would have been better, all things considered? At least we wouldn’t have drag queen story hour today, right? Because many we should have rounded up all the Jews in the US as well?

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Sir, this is a Wendy's.

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In that case, I’ll have a Dave’s Double & a vanilla frosty.

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Steve, the trope of hating on Winston Churchill is quite common among emigres from India residing in the USA, elsewhere in the West, perhaps in India. They use terms like mischling and allege (incorrectly) that the Third Reich's racial purity laws were such that 'only' Germans with both parents born as Jews (regardless of conversion) were exterminated, but that 'half-breed' and 'quarter-breed' Jews were merely denied civil rights, had all property confiscated, but allowed to live. They aren't Holocaust deniers per se but rather, don't seem to understand what the problem with it was.

Indian hatred of Churchill is based on the Bengal famine of 1943. Anticipating a Japanese-led invasion of British India via the eastern border of Bengal, the British military did what Stalin did in anticipation of the Germans as they fought through to Moscow.

The British implemented a pre-emptive, scorched-earth plan in Bengal to deny the anticipated Japanese and Burmese invaders access to food supplies and other resources. Indians weren't able to withstand this as well as Russians & Slavs; approx 2.5 million people of the Indian subcontinent died from the resulting famine. It wasn't that Russians were tougher but it was their country at war with Germany so they had more of a stake in it; India was a British colony, far from Britain's European war. (Millions of Russians and Slavs DID die of starvation and cold, and some never wanted to be conscripted as Commies to begin with, but we don't hear much about that.)

IMPORTANT POINT: Churchill wasn't remotely comparable to Hitler! The extent of the famine wasn't initially realized, and both Churchill and non-military, humanitarian powers (English nobility and landed gentry) DID take extraordinary measures, succeeding in getting mass supplies of grain and other foodstuffs to India in late 1943 and 1944.

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Man, Churchill loved starving civilians.

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Steve, Darryl, everyone else: I apologize for my lengthy comment.

I am no expert in 20th century history, merely a former IBM engineer then bank liquidity risk manager who got fired because of DEI. (Never contradict a Black woman even if she is wrong on a point of regulatory fact. After 2020, I learned that a white person's role is to be an ally and to elevate Voices of Color. And reparations.)

I have plenty of anger and horror about drag queen story hour, transgender children, and degenerate French postmodern 'queer' theory that has colonized our schools, government, and society. It is even condemned by Macron and as fringe 20th century lunacy that has disastrously taken hold in the USA!

I am fully aware that many Jewish intellectuals, attorneys, writers, and politicians (think Frankfurt School at Columbia University... ungh) and some Roman Catholics (shhh Jesuits) played a role in the current status of America. Yet what Darryl is doing, with his version of revisionist WW2 and the interwar period, is kind of disappointing.

If he wants to go after Winston Churchill from a contrarian PoV, Darryl might want to tell us about Rudolf Hess's night flight to Scotland to putatively end the war in May 1941. Or inform about that Famine of 1943 in India, so that his audience will realize that millions of Indians, not only Jews, died due to WW2. Although Indians weren't gassed to death in concentration camps...

Not sure what the goal here is really. Does Darryl want to finish up what the NSDAP started but in America today? He would have plenty of helpers on the left. They are VERY enthusiastic.

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No way he touches this. Doesn’t matter. The work and the pursuit will do the work of 10 interviews.

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You wait! Its gonna happen and I can’t wait!

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Lex Fridman is a terrible interviewer and I don't trust him.

For the interwar period (as pertains to your prior episode): I recommend reading something like this about Rudolf Hess's solo night flight from Bavaria to the Duke of Hamilton in Scotland, to make a peace proposal to Winston Churchill https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/article/rudolf-hesss-secret-scotland-visit-in-may-1941/ Molotov-Ribbentrop was still in effect.

Some of your readers might find the Unz website to be informative. Lots of comments are too awful for me but if you can get past that, and engage with authors and regulars, there are insights to be had. I'm being vague, as it is kind of notorious.

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Lex then Rogan in a couple years lol

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Since I do not have social media I did not realize the interweb had its panties in a knot until I saw your last “to the mob” post. I decided to see what they were so angry about. It turns out, every single outlet was saying the exact same thing about the exact same clips. You’d think that a 2 hr interview would provide 10, 20, or 30 mins of questionable content. Nope, 45 seconds was all the Useful Idiots could collectively muster. I was actually surprised to see Victor Davis chime in, but his contribution was more historical. All other articles/interviews were, “OMG, he is literally a Nazi apologist. (cue the mandatory and trite Alt-Right/Trump/White Supremacist line).”

I speak for myself when I say, “keep making content that you find interesting. I do not give a damn how others feel about it. I take the perspective that anyone who reads hundreds of books, articles, essays, news clippings, interviews, diaries, freaking hieroglyphs will have a take on a topic that might not be found in the Readers’ Digest and will be challenging.”

Cheers brother.

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One thing that is incredible to me is that the left fucking hates you, and yet, you make their cases better than they do.

This is exactly at the root of the Black Lives Matter discussion.

The use of authority and how it can escalate the situation in violent situations is a very important discussion.

I listened to what you said and there was no Holocaust Denial or sympathy to Hitler in any of your words.

Maybe stop trolling Twitter though. That shit that Nazis are more desirable than drag queens in Paris is a pretty fucked up thing to tweet and only undermines your much more solid real work here.

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It was a shitpost meme. Memes are not political manifestos to make apologies for or to defend. Give it up.

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I disagree. If I'm making the case that Churchill is the chief villain of WW2, over Hitler, and I have memes that can ambiguously be read as I'd infinitely prefer Hitler to be running France, but at least he's in Heaven, well, that is context for point of view that a sensible person should factor in to some extent.

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How did that blasphemous last supper drag show happen for a country that's still half Catholic? How did all of those security failures happen for Trump get followed by the shooter's social media disappearing forever? This gnashing of teeth at a shitpost is absurd compared to the blasé reaction to real world events.

It was a shitpost meme. How do you insult the people that laugh at blasphemous drag shows and assassinating Trump? You blaspheme them back. And the cartoon capeshit version of world war 2 is one of their highest deities.

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"This gnashing of teeth at a shitpost is absurd compared to the blasé reaction to real world events"


I agree with you there.

But when you post something with ambiguity, instead of precision it will communicate different things to different people. There are people that lost family members in the Holocaust that perceive Hitler through an entirely different lens.

I take Darryl's Churchill thesis to be, in part, that if WW2 could have been contained to a regional war, many of those family members would still be alive.

There is a group of people that were highly offended by both pictures and simply didn't see one as "infinitely preferable" to the other. Now, with additional arguments, I think a strong case can be made. But all communication, including memes, works best when the message you want to send is actually the one that is communicated.

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It was buried in subtlety but Darryl wasn’t saying Hitler is in heaven. He was saying the Trump shooter saw trump as Hitler and was looking for him in hell and that’s why he was going to be disappointed (because he didn’t kill Trump). I think I’m reading that correctly anyway. To be fair DC should’ve probably said “looking for HIS Hitler” to make it less inclined for misinterpretation.

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I took it as either that or, indicating that Hitler still had begged God for forgiveness for his mortal sins and the shooter hadn't.

And that ultimately, judgement is for God.

Those that assume Hitler is in hell are usurping God themselves. They have no right to sit in judgement of his eternal soul.

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If you want to do serious, revisionist education about one of the most sensitive and inflammatory subjects, then maybe don’t also “shit post” on X about the “the Jews had their leprous second temple destroyed because they rejected Christ”, “The 1,000 Reich would have been been than the fat tranny Olympics” or a photo on your on your tractor showing off your Nazi mug and giving a shout out to the company who made it. Knowing this potential baggage, then when you go onto the biggest national stage you’ve ever appeared on to claim that “Churchill was the baddy”, maybe it would have been wise to do just a wee bit of obligatory throat clearing? “Of course Hitler & the Nazism committed the worst genocide and war crimes in modern history, but was this the only option?” Completely unforced and avoidable own goal. But DC is in my opinion, WAY too intelligent for this too be the whole story, which sadly points to the ambiguity being intentional.

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You don’t need atrocity to be a villain, although you could argue the lives Churchill sent to die is an atrocity. Turning back boatloads of Jews when he knew about the camps. America and Britain talked a big game with the Jews, but when it came to actually taking them in, everyone found out it was all talk.

Justin Trudeau. Villain. Hasn’t killed a soul.

I have no doubt this is going to be an epic podcast series.

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“Hasn’t killed a soul” is pretty broad given the hysteria over Covid. No doubt the case can be made he’s killed thousands and his policies continue to threaten millions.

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Sure. But not the point. “Villain” doesn’t have to be defined by blatant atrocity.

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He can’t stop himself with Twitter lol

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Oh trust, I’ll stop the worst of it… or my wife is gonna castrate me in my sleep.

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Jocko needs to put you in a headlock or something

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Darryl can wrestle…

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The partisan hordes don't phase you, but Mrs. Cooper certainly does, I love it! Best of wishes to you Darryl

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Our host is smart... If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy is an eternal truth of marriage

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Loraina Bobbit you?

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So she's domesticated you Darryl? 🤣

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Judging by your behavior, your passion for internet trolling is greater than interest in acquiring knowledge. As a listener, it’s exhausting. I tap.

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Wry sarcasm is a gift. Keep it coming, as the world needs to regain its sense of humor

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I let one dude get to me when he said “You’re old and poor, I can tell from the condition of the dresser in your picture”. Pointless to explain your stance. They’ll always have a troll response ready.

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Hahahaha love it. Someone gotta stop you lol.

re: Twitter…I was trying to explain to a detractor how you can’t judge a top tier long range shooter by how they shoot a pistol. Don’t know if the analogy worked.

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Disagree on the last part Nazi occupation is preferable to being subjected to this crap. I agree it's probably not smart to tweet stuff like that but let's be real.

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“subjected to this crap”

So you’d rather live in a totalitarian regime with mass murder than live in a free society where people make content that offends you? How emotionally stunted are you?

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Neither the French nor Americans live in anything resembling a free society anymore. The American regime has also committed mass murder. It has allowed and supported the mass murder of tens of millions of American babies. On top of that how many Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, and others has our government murdered? Is the death of some 300,000 Iraqis in a war fought needlessly and over false pretenses not mass murder?

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You guys are making the same point you goof

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Yes, that's broken morality in my opinion.

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Just to clarify - none of this is about DC, his take on WW2, or anti-semitism. This swarm is all about the election, all about making Tucker radioactive, and preparing the narrative battlefield for when JD Vance goes on Tucker. Gotta scare the Jewish vote back into line too. None of these people had ever heard of DC prior to this nor will they a month after the election.

Press on!

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^he gets it.

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There is always a bigger less attractive truth whether in history or in the moment history is being made. Folks prefer the soft truth over the reality though. I do agree Evil is perpetually questing.

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I didn't know you were rebuked by the white house. Well, you earned my subscription indefinitely.

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They just can’t help themselves but to make a public comment.

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Yeah, and I'm sure they had the same response as the people who didn't bother listening to the podcast. Says a lot about the quality of human being working at the white house. I'd be embarrassed to comment on something I hadn't thoroughly looked at, beyond saying I didn't have enough information.

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I think you just described MSM. LOL

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WH is so ghey

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Fake too.

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Second that 🙋‍♂️

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I have learned more about the holocaust from you than any other historian. I read bloodlands thanks to you. For you to be called a holocaust denier is absurd. Thanks for your thorough and diligent service to your listeners.

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It’s absolutely not absurd. To claim that “Hitler and the Nazis were bad because they didn’t plan to feed all the POWs and so they settled on a plan of mercy killings” is complete ahistorical nonsense. He scrapes up a single letter from a camp commandant saying “how are we going to fed all these people?” while ignoring the overwhelming evidence of the Nazi’s genocidal intentions and actions from before the war even started and certainly before he invaded Poland. From euthanasia of “undesirables” to explicit instructions to liquidate the Polish Catholics, “intelligentsia”, but especially the Jews in the “Holocaust of Bullets” by the SS. When they bullets weren’t fast enough, they devised Operation Reinhardt at Wansee for the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”.

There is a consistent pattern in all of his writings and even in the description of the Babi Yar massacre he initially posted as a “see I don’t deny the Holocaust!” He just wants to claim that the Nazis were “forced into it”, they only wanted a final solution to the JQ…(like shipping millions of Jews to Madagascar with no plans to feed or house them?), he wants to claim the Jews kinda deserved it and kinda still do. DC believes there was a “JQ” to be answered and seems to believe there still is. Very revealing at the end of the Babi Yar, which is filled with sympathy, he implies “an event like this changes a people and their relationship with the world, this is how we should understand Jews and the Zionists.” Ie Jews need to get over the Holocaust! Lots of people suffered and died in WWII!. But is DC forgetting the Kisnev pograms which he covered with with equal empathy and eloquence? How about the Crusades or the mass killing of Jews because they were blamed for the Black Plague? Modern genetic analysis shows that ALL Ashkenazi Jews are descended from around 500 people in 1400 because all the rest of them in Europe were slaughtered. It’s not “just” the Holocaust the Jews need to “get over” or the consequences of the Great Depression and Treaty of Versailles that caused the German to “blame the Jews”. It’s the entire history of the Jewish people: getting slaughtered for believing in one God and having a Law, rather than bowing down to a Divine King or pantheon, etc etc etc throughout history.

After 2,000 years of pograms and genocides, they finally said ENOUGH.

As DC knows, political Zionism started decades before the Holocaust. DC probably doesn’t know that Jewish return to Israel was attempted well before modern political Zionism: the attempts by Yemeni Jews and Ethiopian Jews in the early 1800s who had no connection with European Jews or Christian antisemitism. And even Maimonides in the 12th century called for a political return to Zion in the preamble to his “13 Principles of Faith” after he fled the Spain and the jihadist Abbasids.

DC defends and justifies the German scapegoating and hatred of the Jews because of their meteoric rise in European societies after Emancipation due to their literacy and experience with trade, pointing to the book “Why the Germans? Why the Jews?” This is the “middleman minority” sociology explanation which is not unique to Jews, so DC is happy to center all the blame squarely there so he can comfortably minimize all the other permutations of Jew hatred which have existed and morphed over the millennia and persist to this day, many of which he still endorses, such as Christian “deicide”, “rejected God’s new covenant”, as well as the “secret Jewish cabal controlling the world” which DC constantly flirts with both on the Tucker podcast (“Churchill was bailed out by Zionist financiers”) and his claim that Jewish Neocons control US foreign policy. No, Jews do not deserve to be stripped of their jobs, citizenship, rights, shipped to Madagascar, or to Siberian labor camps, executed in mass shootings or gas chambers, have their bodies burned in ovens, then bones ground up into dust because they happened to value education and that paid dividends once societies advanced past the feudal system. If you are as sickened as I was with the Paris Olympics, but you think the solution or preferred outcome is to gas, cremate, and pulverize the skeletons of Jewish people, well….you deserve to making that DoorDash delivery and jerking off to Nick Fuentes when you get home.

Jew hatred did not start with the rise of industrial capitalism and did not end with the Holocaust. It’s the world’s oldest, most persistent and most lethal conspiracy. Just look at the comments on this message board and how many new enthusiastic fans Candace Owen’s collected.

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How so? He forgot to mention the Katyn Forest massacre of the Poles by the Nazis. He seemed to cover most everything else.

Candace Owens says that Jewish people in America use the blood of Christian children in bread. Given that Jewish people in America buy bread from the (increasingly monopolist Kroeger food chain) supermarkets, it seems unhinged to believe that the FDA would have had an arrangement like that all set up and functional for the past 80+ years, doesn't it?

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Just don’t read any of Schneider’s contemporary takes. Another one of those that thinks we’re on the brink of a fascist takeover.

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I'm a long time subscriber, this is only my second comment. I listened to the tucker interview and thought it was spicy, but didn't realize there was a "controversy" because I don't have Twitter (I'm a meatspace based human that likes podcasts because I'm working with my hands 18 hours a day, but the rest of technology can pretty much fuck off). Anyway, I frequently disagree with you (not oyour facts, but your interpretations) because you are a person who's life experience is very different than mine, and (in my opinion) a lot of the baggage that you carry from things you may or may not have been involved in, especially as regards American activities overseas, colors your worldview in particular ways that I think make you a tad too cynical in certain directions sometimes. If you knew me, you'd know that for me to call you "too cynical" means that you really might actually be. But, yours is the only substack I subscribe to, and I'll keep subscribing, because by golly, I've got my own damn brain in my head and I already know what I think, and by bringing a different perspective, with the level of consideration and deep thought that you give to your inquiry, your ideas enrich and challenge my own. I don't need a hero to worship, and I don't need some guy on the internet to do my thinking for me- but I'm grateful for and admire the work you do and even (especially) enjoy the occasional provocation. Thank you, and keep it up. Haters gonna hate.

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Well reasoned and written. A shame it had to be written. Keep up the great work and thank you for not bending knee to the mob.

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Ill have to listen to this later, but DC keep it up. We love your work, and the way you keep your cool in the face of all the personal insults is admirable. Looking forward to checking out your next installment on the labor movement.

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Sep 8Edited

Lots of ironies here. So many “Free Speech absolutists” denouncing you and Tucker… while they cry from their corners against cancellation…

The “pseudo historian” (how do they define historian anyway?) being attacked by the “historians” who are despised by the mainstream and called fascists and stuff…

Those who cried wolf when they left their cushy jobs in the NYT or who raged against cancellation in their “industry” because “people who manage Comedy in UK are woke”…

And then… those same people produce an article (FP’s Eli Lake) about college mobs (oh, the irony) which would be a poor summary of your excellent essay on the Weather Underground.

I don’t agree with you on everything. I don’t need to agree with you on everything. But the fact that you are an honest, diligent, thorough and BRILLIANT thinker is all I need. This was clearly an attack on Carlson and they didn’t give a sh*t about throwing you under the bus.

Miguel Cervantes in El Quijote said it best - “Sancho, deja los perros que ladren. Quiere decir que vamos por buen camino” (Sancho, let the dogs bark, it means we are on the right path)

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Quoting Cervantes in Spanish gets you a like. My senior year of high school Spanish I read that book in Spanish, took me all year to work through it but I made it ha ha.

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I’m afraid that as native speaker, I don’t deserver your kind words… but thank you any way ;-)

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Sep 9
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100% agreed

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I’m guessing some other subscribers must feel the same way I do, that DC’s SubStack is a treasure chest. I’ve listened to every one of his series, some of them like Fear and Loathing twice, and get so much from them.

Perhaps he could have chosen a different path. He could have just remained a smart friend or neighbor but instead he chose to do the work, take the heat, and share this all with us. I’m just so grateful.

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I am a new subscriber because I loved your interview with Tucker AND he said we should listen to your stuff. I trust Tucker. So here I am.

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You’re going to absolutely love the next three months of listening to what he has put out over the last years!

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Take some time to listen to Unraveling with Jocko. Excellent content.

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Welcome to the party Qban

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Kind of scary the trusting Tucker part, when he’s not making valid points he’s trolling and strawmanning imo, but welcome just the same. All of his content is good, but Darryl’s best series are Fear and Loathing, and the Jim Jones one. Just those two will keep you busy for awhile.

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Yes those two are entertaining podcasts. But how do we know they are accurate after the error prone Tucker piece on Churchill, WW2?

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Not sure but maybe look at it the same as Dan Carlin, like as historical entertainment that’s mostly correct?

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Thank you for every single moment of this. I love how you are standing up to such shallow discourse.

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the discourse was worst than shallow, it was lazy.

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