The Martyr Made Substack
The Martyr Made Podcast
MartyrMade Special Announcement

MartyrMade Special Announcement

Plus Notes On Notes About Notes From the Underground

This is a special announcement from The MartyrMade Podcast. I have been doing this podcast for several years now, and I think we probably have between 80-100 hours of material up. The kind of podcasts I do take a lot of work. I don't have research assistants, I don't have editors (obviously), and I don't have anyone helping with the back-end, website, sound, or business operations (such as they are). This is a one-man show. For years, I was using pretty much every free moment I had - before work, during lunch, waiting for meetings to start, and late into the night - to work on these episodes. Well, recently I made the plunge to start doing this full-time. I left behind a very secure job with good benefits and a solid retirement plan, and I am officially out in the wild. That means I am going to be able to do a lot more things than I've been able to do in the past, but it also means that it's time to professionalize this operation. Podcasting doesn't come with health insurance or a retirement plan, and so my future and the future of this podcast is now a matter of my relationship to all of you. And so to that end, here is the announcement:

I am going to be moving over to Substack, and will use that website as my one-stop shop for podcasting, writing, and listener interaction. The regular podcast feed will be available on all the normal platforms, free of charge, same as always, but I'm going to be doing a lot of subscribers-only content at Substack. There will be regular, subscribers-only podcast episodes, as well as written content from myself and some (carefully curated) guest writers. The subscriber-only episodes will come in all shapes and sizes - segments based on notes that don't make it into a regular episode, commentary on current events and social issues, answering listener questions, as well interviews (also carefully curated). Subscribers will also get a discount on all MartyrMade t-shirts and other gear. Oh, and subscribers will be able to comment on posts, and I'm going to be moving a lot of my online activity away from social media and into the Substack comments and other tools.

If you'd like to help support the show, it is just $5 p/month, or $50 p/year, BUT anyone who signs up by October 31 will pay only $4 p/month or $40 p/year forever. That's not a first-month, or first-year offer, you will pay the lower rate as long as you keep your subscription. I know the world is a crazy place right now, and not everyone can contribute. I also know that there is a mountain of amazing content available for free on the internet. I even know that, probably, someone will pirate the subscriber-only episodes and post them somewhere you can find them with a little work. I understand all of these things, and yet nevertheless, if you can manage it without trouble, and if you've enjoyed this podcast up to now, I hope you'll consider subscribing. If you do, and it's before October 31, don't forget to use the special offer link in the show notes. I'll also put it on the website, and on Twitter and Facebook. If you don't care about the $1 p/month discount, you can just head over to and sign up there.

Link to subscription discount:

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