I'm in. Love the book club idea.

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I’ll skip wishing you luck, as you’ve spent the last several years honing the skill that will take you where luck never could. Interested to hear your new work and VERY interested in the side content. I inevitably leave your podcasts with more questions than when I started, which in my opinion is a mark of quality. I hope you will be sharing your reference and source list as well.

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Very well said. I agree with you 100%. His podcasts are never quite long enough for me. My addiction to context is a serious burden for friends and family if I start talking.

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Thank you. Agreed, my interest in a topic tends to run deeper than casual conversation will comfortably accommodate.

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I went back and have been listing the references from each episode. I am currently reading Savage Continent. I’ll send the references I have so far if you’d like.

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I say “read” but I really mean “listen” to the books since I’m always driving. Here is a link to Savage Continent on Audible.

Listen to Savage Continent by Keith Lowe on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B009CYJ4C0&source_code=ASSORAP0511160006

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Ah, another Church of Audible parishioner…

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Crap, what region are you in? Cannot find it for either US or UK. 😐

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Did the same thing. Now I’ll be busy for the next 10 years.

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Yea! If you could like sell your notes, all the stuff that doesn’t quite make it on, even in a roughish format that would be awesome, as well as transcripts & playlists

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You son of a bitch, I'm in.

Sorry, I am a weak person and can't pass up the opportunity to make a Rick and Morty reference. Already signed up. Thanks for all the work you put into the podcast.

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Sanchez, you sonofabitch: I’m in

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Abradolf Linkler? :O

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I've been a very happy consumer of your content for years and am very glad to support the top tier work you produce. Thank you for the hours of thought-provoking entertainment and education.

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Count me in. Can't get enough martyrmade content. Thanks for what you're doing.

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My exact sentiments

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Amazing Unraveling podcast (unmitigated disaster). You and Jocko have very clear audio “tells”, it’s very obvious when you are emotional about your interpretation of history, lived or read. You guys kind of broke character in this episode, and went a little more journalist than historian. Everyone is over Afghanistan, old news, and we still have our own (including Afghani’s) left behind. Thank you both for risking your reputations to speak truth to power. That gives me some hope. I truly appreciate both of your work.

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Would love for you to create a subscriber podcast link if possible, so we can track you through our podcast client rather than just directly through substack.

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I am an old man in Alabama pleased that circumstances have allowed you to choose to direct a greater part of your attention and your actions to sharing an understanding of how to be in the world. I have been your follower since before you posted your 3rd episode of ‘’Fear & Loathing in the New Jerusalem”. I am now your substack subscriber.

I have already reconciled (to my satisfaction) how change in the world, accounted for by the unintelligence, unintended processes of evolution and entropy, can nevertheless be understood as purposeful and not random. Our actions in the world won’t create a road until the ideas inspiring them initiate a cohesion in the direction we go. I am hearten by the ideas you share.

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Book club would be awesome

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Anyone know his former solid retirement/benefits job he left? Curious what he use to do.

Also, anyone know why he left that exactly?

I usually only ever hear people leaving lame jobs for podcasting.

Idk why I want to know, curiosity I guess.

I’m sure glad he did leave tho, his content is truly in a league of its own.

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US Navy, high tech weapons guy. Missiles and lasers and shit. He discussed it a little on his first episode with Jocko a couple years ago.

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Fire Control guy. A type of radar that locks on a target for various weapon systems to hone in on. I was an Operations Specialist in the Navy back in the latter 70's, surrounded by smart people: Electronic Warfare techs (radar countermeasures), computer guys, sonar guys, all brilliant and usually quirky.

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I'm in. Keep up the great work.

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Here for it sir, thanks as always.

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So pumped for this. Question: In the Salem witch trials episode of the unravelling, Darryl mentioned a story about a court astrologer of the king engaged in satanic rituals. Wanted to look into this. Anyone have anything good?

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Darryl I have no idea how to PM you. If you end up doing a series on the break up Yugoslavia you may want consider talking to me as part of your research. I have two first cousins that were imprisoned as part of the Croatian Six in Sydney Australia and my father is pretty much the most hardcore of Croatian nationalists (now an old man). Note: given my background everything I say will have a strong Croatian bias.

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Same here, I have a strong Croatian bias as well! It would be interesting to hear Darryl's unbiased perspective on the Jugo breakup. I think he handled Bleiburg well in the Anti-Humans podcast, would like to hear more.

What did you think of Hamish McDonald's book on the Croatian 6 (reasonable doubt)? I thought it was pretty good. Happy to hear if you thought otherwise.

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Hi Mike, thanks for your response. Feel free to email me at jurajkokotovic@gmail.com to discuss this further. I have read some of McDonald’s book, I can’t really comment either way as I feel I am too close to the story to be objective. I think I’ll try reading it again one day.

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I am in as well after listening to all of your podcasts to date.

I like the idea of a book club, I think three books that go together really well are:

Wealth & Poverty by George Gilder where he deconstructs capitalism and how our societies work.

The Social Animal by David Brooks where he tells the tale of a young girls rise from poverty to success and the price she and her family pays for it.

Making It by Norman Podhoretz where he shares how he grew up and went from being a Marxist to a neo conservative editor of Commentary magazine.

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Feel like posting the there is no difference meme from the office.

"Making It by Norman Podhoretz where he shares how he grew up and went from being a Marxist to a neo conservative"

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Signed up. If my new subscription never gets used (highly unlikely) the year long subscription is still pennies on the dollar for the content I have consumed from you over the last few years. Thanks so much for all your work.

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