Dec 16, 2022Liked by Darryl Cooper

Ungovernable Darryl is my favorite

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Ungovernable Darryl is way better than slutty Darryl

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

In my life time, and I'm only 32, I'd love to see/hear Darryl just unleash his full power, like, go super Sayan.

I dunno, I'm fan boying hard here, but as a pretty average Joe-six-pack, Darryl has this omniscient quality to me where, I feel if he wanted too, he could blow up the universe

Edit: love ya DC, I know you're just some fuckin guy deep down like the rest of us. Just a better reader

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Queue "Get in the Ring" by Guns n' Roses.

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I’m ready for this essay. Also I love the unraveling podcast. It’s more casual than the Jocko podcast and I enjoy the controversial takes. Keep kicking ass.

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I love it too and I can only hope they are tackling the JFK leaks. I think it was DC that at some point recommended "The Devil's Chessboard" about Alan Dulles and how the CIA killed Kennedy. It was fascinating

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I was listening to an Unraveling when you said something to Jocko that made me realize what Martyr Made really means. You are going to go hard in the paint until the powers that be actually martyr you electronically.

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Sometimes I’m like, he’s going to get JFK’ed.

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Speaking of JFK, Im excited to hear Darryls take on the recently released UNredacted JFK papers.

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Been with you from the start, will be with you to the end.

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...who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly...

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That, kids, is how you tease a piece!

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Not me checking for the article every two hours

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For what it's worth, Darryl, I am paying for content like Whose America. You are absolutely unsurpassed at long-form narrative podcasting, and I would happily pay a $50/year subscription even if you managed to only come out with a couple such podcasts a year. This is where you really shine.

Your shorter form analyses just aren't worth my time though. This is not to say they're "bad" per se; they just can't compete with so many others. Since these seem to be your primary focus the past few months, I've canceled my subscription. I still have quite a bit of time left and I'll be happy to renew if I see more of the compelling work that you are so great at.

Granted, I'm just a sample size of one. If your broader audience prefers the sort of content that you have mostly been producing the past few months, then as a long-time Patreon supporter I will wish you the very best. I hope you have the continued success you deserve.

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If you look at his output (Spotify) prior to doing this full time and prior to Substack, it seems as if the output for long-form episodes was pretty infrequent, with several months or up to a year between episodes or topics. It doesn’t seem like that has changed now, there’s still several months between long episodes, but now that he can do it full time, there’s just more and varying content between those episodes. It seems as though it’s just a matter of finding more things to be engaged with or to cover to keep from being burned out with doing the same thing or same topic over and over.

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I feel like Jocko or someone else is trying to talk Darryl out of giving us this essay.

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My handler is getting impatient as well.

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

This may be completely unrelated, or it may not be… but I’m wondering if you heard Jordan peterson’s interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, and if you did, did you find it distasteful the way Jordan allowed him to frame the formation of Isreal? Jordan gave no pushback whatsoever, and sometimes even gleefully agreed with points (I now know from listening to your full series on the subject) that were outright lies, and or, one sided partial truths. I respect jordan a lot, but it really bothered me. He allowed Denis Prager to do the same thing, and I forget whether it was Jordan, or Rogan who let Ben Shapiro do it as well. Even the name of the episode “does Isreal have the right to exist” is just a completely disingenuous framing of how one should look at the issue. It’s like asking of Turkey has the right to exist after perpetrating the Armenian genoside. Whether they have the right to exist is beside the point that they continue to lie to this day about what ACTUALLY happened. The truth in my mind is that they owe an admission of guilt, fess up to all of the twisted propaganda and back door agreements they made, so that the history books may be rewritten. As well as a plan to help the victims who remain destitute to this day. I don’t care for the term gaslighting, but if it ever applied anywhere, it does so in the plight of the Arab people victimized by Isreal.

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You should see what Peterson is saying after the latest Hamas attacks.

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Oh I’ve seen the tweets… it’s so cringe it’s actually funny. Redefining cuckery. But what can you expect, he’s a liberal at heart even though they call it a “classical liberal” it still denies group interest with one exception… Jews.

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You do what you need to do brother. We here all love the spice.

After listening to Tuckers monologue about the JFK assassination I had to revisit one of your previous works. The one about the CIA and their acid parties in the 60s.

Tucker explained that a spook by the name of Jolly West (sic) was the one that visited Jack Ruby in jail and declared him insane.

You also profiled Jolly West in your piece and his participation in drugging hippies and johns.

Dan Bongino always says, remember the names.

This West was an evil demon

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The "going down in flames" comment made me wonder, what does it take to get de-platformed from Substack?

At any rate, perhaps the possibility should prompt contingency planning, since I believe your fans would be willing to support you long after Silicon Valley has cast you out.

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Whatever you end up doing, I’m here for it. Your way of looking at history, war and human nature and fundamentally changed my perception of the world. Thank you

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My guess, it's about the history of US blacks and Jews. Seems suitably topical, third-railish, and full of nuance not being discussed in the mainstream conversation.

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That’s a good guess actually. Heaven forbid we point out any glaring statistics without justifying it with “institutional racism”

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Darryl, send proof of life

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